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I am always waiting for this day to come. It feels like everything seems too impossible to be real. The church's inside is well decorated with blooming flowers and glittering petals are scattered in the aisle. Everyone who has been part of my existence are present for this special day. They are all here dressed elegantly and widely beaming at me. I am their center of attention as I am starting to walk slowly on the red carpet. Dressed in a long shining glimmering white gown with a veil placed on top of my head as I am holding a pink bouquet of roses. Only a steps away and I will be with the man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. From this day forward, I will be called Mrs. Yesha Lopez -Cer-...

"Yesha!" That's when all my dream wedding thoughts suddenly vanished. Blame it to Jenna, one of my bestfriends who loves to interrupt me at my sweet thoughts. Well, she does it every time when she feels to ruin my mood or she really needs to do it.

"Mrs. Flores dismissed the class about minutes ago and you're still sitting there unaware that we are the only left here. I get it, your mind are travelling again somewhere, aren't you?" That somewhere is for someone, and that someone is him. Oh my Ace..

"Ace! He's coming over here!" Ace? He's here! how's my hair? I pat my hair fixing the loose strands. My uniform? I wipe the imaginary dust everywhere. My face? I search for unnecessary things in case I have on my face. Wait a minute, I scan the surroundings but no sign of him. Okay, I was fooled by these two lovely bestfriends of mine.

"Belle! That was a good joke." I said sarcastically and threatening them with my death glare, I can see that they are stopping their laughter not to come out from their mouth.

"Yesha, your face, that was an epic one. I swear.." and Jenna cannot stop it no more, she burst out laughing after telling me those words.

Jenna and Belle, they are my bestfriends but more likely my sisters. We are always together as in together that's why we really knew everything about each other. I will be forever one of those gratefuls for having bestfriends like them, I have them. I have Jenna and Belle.

"Okay.. okay.. That's enough enjoyment for the day." Belle stated as she was catching her breath from her joyous laughter.

"Agree. So, I think, we better leave now, we're getting late in our next class in case you girls don't know." I tell them as I am packing my things. Until, I heard something is ringing inside my bag, and that is my phone.

"Daddy is calling? Why?" I stare at the phone for a few seconds wandering why Daddy is calling.

"Yesha, you will never find the answer, if you don't answer him." I heard Jenna told me from behind.

So I decided to immediately answer the call.

"Hey Dad.." His voice sounds unfamiliar but I'm pretty sure he's really my Daddy.

"Oh.. Okay.. I hope everything is fine. Don't worry, I will be there immediately after class. Bye Daddy.." and he ended the call straightaway. As I directed my eyes to my bestfriends, confusion etched on their both faces.

"What's with the call?"Jenna asks me.

"He just told me he has something important to tell me so I have to come over at the shop for us to talk." I shrug wondering what might Daddy will tell me.

"Oh, a problem?" Belle inquired as she was in deep deep thoughts.

"I don't think so and hopefully not. Well, you know what the problem is?" I asks them realizing there is really a problem.

" WE ARE ALREADY LATE TO MS. YONGCO'S CLASS!" They screamed in unison. And what we do after?

Run! Run! Run! Until we get there.

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