"Were fine. If that's what you're asking." Lauren steps up to say, and Camila nods as well.

But none of them were buying it. They had seen their friends becoming slightly reserved, spending time as the four of them with Jasmine and Lily rather than hang out as a whole group. Luna decides that tonight was the night she would tempt fate and ask Camila and Lauren once and for all, what was going on with them.

"Okay guys, this bullshit has got to stop. You two had been different the last few months, always hanging with yourselves, brushing things off as if nothing is wrong. Yet, every time the two of you hear news or shit on tv like that, you two grow quiet. Not to mention the fact that you both spend way more time alone now than you used to with us and we like to know what the fuck is going on. What is bugging the both of you that you can't even tell us?" Luna stares straight at Camila before Lauren, and Dinah too perks up an eyebrow at their friends.

"Were sorry guys. Okay? We're sorry. Yes, things have been tiring for us both. We thought it was better if the two of us worked on it alone and we knew that Alejandro and Sinu were going to resign. We just thought we had a little longer time." Camila sighs, and Lauren rubs her thighs, comforting her.

"What are you guys talking about?" Hailee asks this time, Dinah and Normani too nodding along as to why their friends were talking gibberish.

"Two weeks after Alejandro and Sinu came, Camila and I got a letter from them, saying that they were truly sorry, and that they were going to leave us alone and not have everything flare up in the media about the two of us being alive. The letter also said that they knew that they didn't deserve to be forgiven and that they admit their priorities were misplaced because of their own blindness to the world. Alejandro was sorry for hurting his own daughter and me, Sinu was killing herself over not being able to be the good mother she was. They said that they were going to resign to be able to live a normal life and that hopefully one day when they resign, they wanted to try again and ask for our forgiveness to patch things up. Two weeks ago, Camila got a call from Sinu, said she alone would like to meet with us, since Alejandro was arranging matters to settle their resignation, and she wanted to see us here at the mansion this weekend when she flies in. Camila and I had been angry and hurt at first, we didn't want to let them in at all. But... we decided against it and we talked to each other and we said we would give her a shot at redemption. Which is why we have been alone most of the time. We were trying to deal with everything and we are sorry for not letting you guys in on this. We didn't want to burden any of you with the mess we have." Lauren answers honestly, and the four women just shook their heads.

"Jesus guys... we weren't going to kill you. We were just concerned. We aren't angry at the both of you. We just wanted to be there for you guys. We know how bad it went. But don't keep us out of the loop. We are all here for you too. Especially you Lo. You're working too hard and you need rest. You're due soon and just let us help you instead of letting yourself work too much. And you're our leader Mila. We fight for you and with you. Don't take things all on your own. We're your friends."

Camila cried as did Lauren. It felt better that a weight had been lifted off their shoulders at Normani's words, and they all crushed together in a hug. Camila and Lauren cried, the stress finally lifted off their shoulders and they felt whole again.

"Thank you, guys. For understanding." Camila wipes the tears of her face, and Dinah smiles.

"Eh come on now! We're all fucking besties for life! Besides, we gonna have a house full of kids. Can't have you two bitches breaking down on us now! We still got all these little fuckers to care for. And maybe when Sinu and Alejandro earn their place again, we can all be a big happy family. What say y'all?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2019 ⏰

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