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"Captain! One of the lifeboats is destroyed. Engineering is heading up there now!" Johnson hollered as he entered the main control room.

"Why in the hell wasn't it fixed this afternoon when I sent Decker over to get engineering to go and settle the problem? What are damages?" Captain Ridges frowned as he directed the other men in the room to keep a lookout on the ocean in front.

It was a battle of the gods if such things existed. Lightning spread across the ocean skies, watching as the islands come into view before disappearing into the darkness. The waves were harder to traverse, despite the fact that they were sailing close to the islands, Captain ridges had a fear of the cruise ship running into trouble. Even with his experiences at sea, this was the biggest storm of the century, and he wanted to ensure the safety of the people aboard his ship, given the fact that the president of the united states was on board with the first lady and his daughter. It would be risky to send his team out right now to get control of the situation in this kind of storm, but it would cause more damage if they didn't secure it.

"One life boat is down, having smashed into the lounge room. There wasn't anyone in there, sir. Everyone has been asked to remain indoors downstairs in the lower decks. However, the second and third lifeboat on top has not been secured sir. If we leave it, it could cost more damage to the upper floors." Captain Ridges sighed.

"Get a team up there right now, make sure they fasten themselves securely, and make sure they are secured tightly to the boat. I don't want anything else to go wrong on this boat. Lock down the doors to the lounge so no one gets in or out without my permission. Someone fucking get me  Decker. He was supposed to supervise this mess. Go!"

Captain Ridges pinched the bridge of his nose, clearly wrecking his brain. Navigating the rough stormy waters, a big problem with the lifeboats, and his crew, Mr Decker, disappearing into thin air. He was in so much trouble.

He probably wasn't the only one in trouble, but the two other woman trapped in the other room might too.


Camila felt the woman above her shake in pain, as she gripped Lauren's face in her palms. The lights had gone out, the rain was splashing into the room due to the storm, and the heavy pants coming from Lauren made Camila kick into overdrive. Carefully, she slid from under Lauren, tears threatening to spill from her lovers eyes, and she immediately turned around and helped to lay Lauren on the ground. The brunette had taken off her surfer jacket when they cane into the room, and her back was covered in cuts and scrapes from the broken glass. But the wound that caught her attention was a piece of glass that was lodged in her right shoulder blade.

"Jesus Lauren... listen babe, I need you to stay still okay? I'm going to remove the glass okay? It's going to hurt."

"Do it..." Lauren gasps, clearly in a lot of pain.

Camila being a doctor, knows that it must have hit a nerve or a vein. That's why Lauren remained in that position, any sudden movement could cause more damage to her tissue. It was definitely going to leave a scar. In the midst of her examination, she saw a scar on one of the circles that was tattooed onto her back. By the looks of it, a bullet a pierced through her body. Camila closed her eyes momentarily, searching through her memories and then the scar on Lauren's tout stomach came into view. Her heart stung that this beautiful woman had been hurt. And she knew now that Lauren had been through a lot. She had missed out on all those moments where she needed her. Placing her hand down flat onto Lauren's back, Camila positions her other hand over the glass shard, getting ready to pull out.

"Okay... 3. 2..."


Lauren screamed as Camila pulls the glass out. It was long enough to penetrate deep into Lauren's shoulder, causing her a lot of unease, but now that it was out, Camila tore off a strip of her shirt and wrapped it around the wound. Untying Lauren's surfer jacket, she helped Lauren sit up, grunts and groans, taking in sharp breaths as Camila pulled on the jacket and zipped it up in front.

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