Epilogue - Kitten Walks Again

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Once again, our kitten is flitting through the shadows in the early evening darkness. Her paws are silent on the damp flagstones but her eyes flash everywhere, alert for signs of danger.

Because this time she is heading back towards the centre of town where the brash noisy people will help to conceal her. For now there is some unknown army of people out there, intent on tracking her down.

She eases herself back into the shadows as a crowd of loud, drunk young men pass by. Our kitten knows that she can deal with them if she needs to - for she has learnt how to fight... and how to flee - but she would much prefer to avoid any sort of unnecessary confrontation. Once they have passed, she scurries on with a steady resolution.

Some things remain unchanged and she is still a tiny, frightened kitten, all alone in the world. But now, at least, she has a purpose... she has hope. So our kitten carries on her way, out into the big, bad world, with a steady determination.

She is going to find her master.

The sequel to this book, 'A Cat Called Kat' has now been released. Our poor little kitten is forced, by weight of circumstances, to grow up into so much more than she ever thought she might be. It's available from my home page.

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