Chapter Thirty Eight - Drug War

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That day, I was a busy little kitten. There were piles of maths to catch up on and a video lesson with Francesca. And then the nurse lady arrived, I took her into the kitchen for our talk and then into my old bedroom for the examination. I knew Mr Bossy didn't like strangers wandering around our apartment... and I really didn't want Elroy sitting in on that particular conversation!

Before lunch, I popped down to the gym for some gentle exercise and stretching. I knew Master would want me to get going with that soon and it would probably be less painful if I started off at my own pace!

Then, after a sandwich, I tried to press on with my economics reading but my eyelids started drooping and I decided that I might as well make a proper job of it and went up to bed for a siesta.

I was woken by the ringing of my phone on my bedside table. "Good morning!" I said when I saw Master's number.

"Good morning?" a lady's voice answered. It took me a couple of moments to work out that it was his secretary, Margret. "One moment, please."

There were a couple of clicks and Mr Bossy was on the line. "Hello, Kitten," he said tersely. "Where were you, please?"

"I'm sorry!" I answered. "I was having my siesta!"

"It's alright for some," he chuckled but then he flipped straight back into being Mr Bossy. "No, I mean, where were you earlier? We tried to get hold of you a couple of times but you didn't answer your phone. I was just about to send Elroy up to track you down."

"I was down in the gym," I explained. "I thought I'd get things going gently before you start setting bears and sharks and things on me. You don't mind, do you?"

"Certainly not, Kitten, but..." he paused for a moment... "in the current situation, you are to keep your phone with you at all times."

"Yes, Master," I replied simply. It was that sort of instruction.

"I don't have to make threats, do I?"

"No, Master, I understand. I'm not in trouble this time because I didn't know but next time there will be whacks."

"Good Kitten!" Mr Bossy eased back and became Mr Lovely again. "I wanted to warn you that I won't be home until late tonight. Tell Elroy what you would like for dinner... and, when you've finished all your work, you may watch television."

"Please may I phone Terri?" I asked.

"You may. Elroy will put her number in your phone for you. As long as your work is finished, you may call her at any time," he told me, "but you are not to say anything sensitive on the phone."

"Thank you, Master."

I spent a couple of hours with my nose in my latest economics book - trying to catch up on that. When I phoned Terri, I mentioned it and we ended up having a long chat about the relationship between money supply and inflation - I'd managed to forget that she was studying for a business degree and she knew all about it. It was a funny thing to be chatting with her about that sort of stuff but it was fun just to hear her voice.

I didn't feel like eating anything fancy for tea so I asked Elroy to find me a bowl of soup and a salad. He must have realised that I would be a bit bored and lonely so he sat with me for a while as I ate.

He mentioned that he and Caroline had taken a couple of days off after their visit to La Conia and spent the time in Tuscany together.

Of course that was too much for Little Miss Nosey and I just had to ask him. "Feel free to tell me to mind my own business," I said, "but... is there anything going on between the two of you?"

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