Chapter Twenty Four - And A Lost Kitten's Tail

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Master was busy at his desk when I appeared. He clicked his fingers and pointed to the ground next to his chair and I hurried over to kneel next to him. I sort of wanted to burble more apologies but I knew that, if I did anything like that, he'd just put me over his lap and spank me.

So I kept my mouth firmly closed.

At last he finished his work and carefully pushed his monitor back and tucked the keyboard away underneath it.

"OK, Kitten," he said. "I understand that you were terribly frightened this afternoon so I am going to make you a promise. I am never, ever going to do the finger thing when you don't know you deserve it. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I forced myself to think before answering. And as I thought, I realised that what he was saying was enormously reassuring. "Yes, Master. Thank you," I replied at last.

"And what is more, I trust you in that way, Kitten, and I know that you are never going to betray me again."

It wasn't a question so I decided it was safest not to say anything.

"Right, Kitten, I want you to hop over to the sofa and collect one of the cushions.

I hurried to do as he said. He popped the cushion on the edge of the desk then picked me up and plonked me down on it so that my body was on the desk and my legs left dangling. My bottom was propped up perfectly for his spanking pleasure.

"Now, I want you to reach across and grab the far end of the desk."

I hurried to do as I was told. Even for a silly kitten, it was obvious what was going to happen if I didn't.

He settled back in his chair with a hand in the middle of my back. "So, Kitten, what did you do that was bad?"

"I got lost when I was out on my walk."

"Wrong, Kitten." It was wrong but he seemed to see it as a mistake not a lie because I didn't get a smack. "Let's try an easier question. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor on your own?"

He must have seen my reaction. "Oh, come on, Kitten. How do I know where you went? How did we know where to find you?"

"I don't know... Ow!" My answer was met by a sharp slap on the bottom.

But then he paused. "I'm sorry, Kitten," he said to my enormous surprise. "That was a very silly answer but it was not a lie so it didn't really deserve a slap. I owe you the absence of one slap." I could hear he was sort of laughing as he said it, which was, in a funny sort of a way, quite reassuring. "I'll give you a clue. I've known exactly where you are, to within about ten yards, since you were brought back here the first time.

I still didn't know what he was going on about and I was clever enough to keep quiet.

He lifted my right ankle up, forcing me to half turn round until I was in a sort of sideways splits position. The view must have been quite interesting for him... and the position was doing funny things to my body - particularly when he started to run his finger in a line around my right ankle.

But, I forced myself to think. "Oh yeah, I've got the tracker on me."

"Good Kitten." He lowered my leg and patted me gently on the bottom. So let's try again. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor?"

"You never said..."

I was expecting a slap so when he only gave me a faint tap, I jerked violently and stopped talking."

"That was the lack of one I owe you," he informed me firmly. "Let's try again. Did you know that I didn't want you to go up onto Pen Tor?"

I gave a sigh. "Yes, Master."

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