Chapter Thirty Six - Helping Out My Sister

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The next day, Mr Bossy and Dr Nil disappeared after lunch and the huge villa seemed sad and empty without them. I was a bit fed up and Terri was even worse and a couple of times we got pretty close to being nasty and catty with each other. Nonno must have picked up on this so he sent us to bed earlier than usual.

He didn't tell us to go straight to sleep though so, after I'd gone to bed, Terri appeared and flopped down, next to me. "I'm sorry I was kinda bitchy tonight," she said.

"I wasn't much better," I admitted. "I guess I'm missing Mr Bossy already."

"It's alright for you," Terri said. "At least you get to spend the nights with him when he's here!" She was trying to sound all jokey about it but her frustration came bubbling out. "I'm just... like... I don't know..."

"You've got an ache?" Luckily it was quite dark so she couldn't see I'd gone bright red.

"You can say that again!"

"I know all about that ache!" I told her. "It was months before Mr Bossy would give me any attention like that!"

"Months!" Terri gasped. "How on earth did you survive?" I already feel like I'm about to explode or start screaming or something!"

I thought for a moment and then came to a decision. She was my sister and I didn't need to keep any secrets from her. "He caught me... like... trying to relieve the ache and... you know... helped me to help myself."

"Oh Jeez!" she exploded. "I'd have... like... literally died of embarrassment or something! She sat up in bed and turned round so that she was looking me straight in the eye. "So! What happened?"

I wanted to look away but I forced myself to sit up and meet her eye as I told her about the whole death-by-embarrassment thing.

When I was done, I was a bit surprised when she didn't say anything. I thought she might have fallen asleep or something - her eyes were closed - but then I realised that she was rubbing herself through the thin material of her pyjama shorts.

I froze. I just didn't know what to do. It was another of those 'social situations' that Miss Behaviour had never talked about. I had to have a little think but then I said, "That, Sister, is never going to cut it. Hang on a moment..."

I scurried over to the bathroom to collect a tube of the slimy toothpaste stuff that had magically appeared in my washbag after Mr Lovely's visit.

"Pyjama bottoms off!" I ordered her as I hopped back onto the bed. Now I'd decided to help, my embarrassment just evaporated. She gave me a funny look but did as she was told.

I sat down opposite her and, when her bottom half was completely naked, I put my hands on her knees and eased her thighs apart, like Mr Bossy had done for me. She was definitely looking confused but I gave her a friendly smile and stroked the inside of her thighs gently with my thumbs.

"Give me your hand," I told her and I smeared some of the stuff onto her fingers. "Now start rubbing yourself properly," I ordered her.

She hesitated but I gave her my best Mr Bossy look and she started smearing the stuff onto herself. She met my eye, amazed that she'd be doing this in front of somebody else... even me.

She was embarrassed, of course, but, as her fingers carried on their slimy work, she got distracted and her eyes drifted closed. "Eyes open, Sister," I said. She did as she was told and gave me a weak smile.

It was a very different experience, but it still felt rather wonderful, to be sitting on the other end of the fingers . At first I managed to hold myself a bit apart but, because I was staring into Terri's eyes, I found myself sharing in with her sensations. My breathing quickened with hers and it was a real struggle when I had to tell her to stop and put her hands behind her head.

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