Chapter Thirteen - You Belong to Me

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I had my eyes tightly closed and was getting down to some serious business when I was shaken out of my happy state by Mr Bossy's voice, right there in the room. "Kitten!" he said.

Of course I jumped wildly and I think I might even have screamed. There are times when a girl really does not want to be disturbed! I looked around but of course he wasn't there. He must have some sort of camera and loudspeaker thing going on. I don't suppose I should be surprised but it was still a terrible shock for him to catch me doing something so very... personal.

"Come up to my study straight away," he told me.

Before my brain could recover, my feet were already moving but I was distinctly worried as I climbed the stairs.

He was sitting in his huge, Mr Bossy chair with his feet stretched out in front of him. He was looking at something on his computer screen and had a unmistakably smug smile on his face. He was enjoying how uncomfortable he was making me feel.

I dropped automatically into my good kitten kneeling pose but, as I did, I realised that he'd be able to see what was going on down there.

But I didn't have any choice. If I didn't do it, I'd be in even more trouble.

But then I gave a bit of a shrug. I mean... he already knew what I'd been up to so there was no point in trying to hide it.

He left me like that for a long time, quite openly inspecting the view. He had this funny sort of smile on his face... as if he was enjoying it or something.

And having him looking at me didn't seem to be squishing down my excitement... in fact it seemed to be building it up!

"Kitten, why are you here?" he asked at last.

"Because I was..." I dropped my head in shame and embarrassment. "Because I was playing with myself," I completed in a mumble.

"Head up, Kitten!" he told me gently. "And answer the question properly."

I sort of shrivelled up inside as I forced myself to meet his eye and repeat my words.

He stood up and stepped behind me and started to run a finger slowly up and down my spine. That kicked off a wild shiver. It might have started in my spine but it certainly finished up between my legs and I gave a gasp that turned into a long, shuddering sigh.

"We made an agreement, didn't we, Kitten?" he said as his finger continued to torture my spine with its featherlike stroking, "when I agreed not to remove your finger? What was it?"

"That I belong to you, body and soul, until you choose to release me." I wasn't going to forget those words in a hurry.

But there was something seriously wrong. Even with his finger stroking me like that, I shouldn't have been getting so excited.

"So, to whom does this delectable body belong, Kitten?"

"It belongs to you, Master," I managed to answer as he carried on stroking my back. It was really tricky to concentrate when he was doing that.

"And did I give you permission to play with it?"

"No, Master."

"Then it's time for a little punishment, isn't it, Kitten?"

I could feel his eyes boring into me and they dragged the answer, "Yes, Master," from my throat and sent a shiver through my entire body.

But then I realised that I didn't really have to be frightened. He thought the whole thing was pretty funny so the punishment would just be a bit unpleasant, not really horrible.

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