Chapter Ten - Kitten Ears

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Things ran along pretty smoothly for a while and I was starting to feel comfortable with my new life as a kitten.

In a way, I knew it was all kinds of wrong. I mean... the man was, quite literally, treating me as a pet - but he was giving my life a security and stability that I'd not known for such a long time. Every day, I knew where I was going to go to bed that night... and every night, I knew that I'd wake up safe the next morning. I knew I'd get something to eat, even if it was just the chopped up fruit and vegetables which he put in my kitten bowl - to be eaten with no hands, of course. And, as long as I went along with his freaky weird kitten thing, I could earn myself plenty of proper food and extra treats.

Early one morning, I was kneeling at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Master to arrive; as usual we were heading down to the gym together. I was in my 'good kitten' kneeling pose that I used to greet him but I had a happy smile on my face because I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt.

A personal trainer came in once a week and so Master had got Elroy to organise some gym kit for me.

But I totally froze when I saw Master's face... he was not happy. My head dropped in shock and horror when I realised that he hadn't told me to wear the kit today. He was going to think I was being deliberately disobedient. A sudden vision of knives and fingers flashed through my mind and I could hardly breathe.

But he must have seen my reaction. "Kitten, come here," he said in his gentlest, loveliest voice.

I stood up and walked numbly towards him and he just wrapped me up in his ginormous arms. He didn't have to say a word but I knew he was promising me that my fingers were safe. As I started to relax, my whole body was wracked with these terrible sobs.

He kept on holding me until I was in a fit state to listen again. Then he helped me back to my knees. "I didn't tell you that you should wear clothes this morning..."

"I know... but I thought..."

"Hush, Kitten," he said, touching a finger to my lips to silence me. "You should know by now that it is not your place to think."

"Yes, Master," I acknowledged.

"But you were doing it so brazenly that I know that you weren't being a deliberately naughty little kitten. I'll think of some little way to punish you tonight but you don't have to worry, it certainly won't be whacks or anything like that."

I wanted to put my arms round his knees and hug him but I forced myself to stay in my 'good kitten' pose.

"OK, let's go!" he said, helping me back to my feet. "But go and take those clothes off straight away, please. You have one minute."

I set off towards my old bedroom at the run.

When I returned, about fifty nine seconds later, satisfactorily naked, Master was already in the lift and holding the door open for me. "That's much better!" he said. "The sight of your naked body as you do your stretching exercises is one of the high points of my entire day."

I managed to control my mouth but my outrage must have shown on my face.

"You may say it, Kitten!" he said with a chuckle.

I hesitated then asked, "Even if I want to tell you you're a dirty old pervert?" I still wasn't quite sure what I could get away with on the odd occasion when he allowed me to talk and that was definitely pretty close to the limit.

But I knew I was safe when he laughed. "Kitten, I can assure you that any normal, healthy man, be they young or old, would appreciate watching that beautifully lithe, young body of yours performing stretching exercises whilst you're naked. It's not my fault that most of them are too embarrassed to admit it." He paused for a moment before adding, "And it is a source of continuing pleasure that you belong to me, Kitten, so I get to enjoy what nobody else is allowed to see!" He ran a hand over my bare back, sending a wave of shivers through my whole body.

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