Chapter Twenty Five - Strawberry Fondue

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To be fair to Master, for the first two evenings, he didn't do too much teasing about the tail thing.

But, on the last evening, that all changed.

There was much, much more massaging of my bottom bits... both before and after he stuffed the tail in... and Mr Meany was doing it whilst he was still on the phone so I had to lie there and squirm in total silence.

Then, at last, we went down to dinner. I knelt by Master's place, of course, and I was a bit surprised when he took one of his white linen napkins and tied it over my eyes.

I sort of wanted to ask why but, even if I'd been allowed, I knew he'd just say something like, 'Because I don't want you to see what you're eating,' so I just had to wait and see.

"Open wide," he told me when the first course arrived. "See if you like these." He slipped something small and slightly squidgy into my mouth.

I tried to do my 'treat appreciation' thing but it was a bit tricky because the thing didn't have any texture to speak of so it was quite hard to chew. I sort of recognised the taste, but it took a while to work out that it tasted of the smell of the sea - strange but really quite nice.

There was some fizzy wine to go with it, whatever it was.

"Would you like another one?" he asked and I nodded enthusiastically. This time he added a dash of lemon juice which worked really well.

The third came with a slightly hot horseradish sauce; it was OK but a bit overpowering so I wordlessly told Master to go with just the lemon for the remaining three.

"Did you like them, Kitten?" he asked when they were all gone.

I nodded enthusiastically.

"And do you know what you were eating?"

A shake of the head. I really didn't have a clue!

"Oysters," he explained. I don't suppose I should have been all that surprised. I knew he had a thing for squidgy sea things.

There was more fish for the main course: salmon with white asparagus. Of course I only knew it was white because he told me but it did taste a bit different.

"Right, now, Kitten," he said when we'd finished the fish. "For desert, I have a special treat."

He surprised me by picking me up, whizzing me round and popping me down so I was lying on my back in the middle of the table. There was something under my bottom so I wasn't doing nasty things to my tail... and something under my head so I was nice and comfy.

"A treat," he went on, as if he hadn't just spread me out on the table, "for me rather than for you, Kitten, though I suspect you might rather enjoy it too. Hands behind your head."

It was difficult to force myself to do that - I felt so terribly exposed - but somehow I managed. I heard him sit down about level with my chest.

"Mouth open wide," he said and I did as I was told. I really didn't have much choice. Of course I expected him to pop something in, but, instead, he started smearing something onto my lips. It felt shockingly hot at first but, after a couple of seconds of smearing, I managed to work out that it wasn't really all that hot - just pleasantly warm.

Then, after another couple of seconds, I worked out that it was chocolate: some sort of utterly delicious, warm, molten chocolate sauce.

And then a strawberry that had been dipped in the sauce was popped into my mouth and I had a smile on my face as I chewed the delicious thing and then licked my lips.

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