Chapter Thirty Four - The Beautiful And The Ugly

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I hurried along the corridor and slipped silently in through Master's door. A blindfold was popped over my eyes and, moments later, my ears were covered too.

But I didn't need my eyes or ears to know Master. He had his own special smell that I knew and I loved.

Then he gently took my nightie off and I stood there, naked and proud until, with a little pressure on my shoulders, he told me to kneel so I dropped into my good kitten position. I couldn't see or hear anything but I just knew he was devouring me with his eyes... making up for lost time... I knew it and I loved it.

He let me like that for a while but then I felt a kiss on the back of my neck. He carefully took off my kitten necklace and then I felt a little surge of pleasure as he buckled my collar around my throat.

Then he stood back again to enjoy the sight of his naked, kneeling kitten.

After some unknowable time, he lifted me up and lay me, face down, on the bed. Something firm but quite comfy - maybe the furry handcuffs - were fastened round my wrists and ankles, stretching me out into a cross shape. Then he started to massage some sort of deliciously herby, aromatic oil into my skin.

The fact that I was deaf and blind just increased the sensation of his hands on my body and I squirmed in pure pleasure. He was my Master; I was his kitten; all was well in the world.

He started at my fingers and worked his way down my arms, rubbing pleasantly firmly when he found the meat of my muscles. I tensed as his hands approached my ribs. I thought the whole thing would be impossibly tickly but the fact that I was tied down changed the tickle into an explosion of pure sexiness and, as I gasped and squirmed my bits into the bed, I found myself drifting towards losing control.

He moved to kneel across my hips as he set to work on my back. That let him put real weight onto my shoulders which made me sort of melt into the bed. Then he gradually worked his way down my back, shuffling lower with his own knees. He didn't put his oily hands on my scar but he did give it a kiss.

And as his wonderfully oily hands worked their way lower and lower, my body tried to tense up. But he wouldn't let me do that... he just scratched a fingernail along my ribs to force me to relax. By the time he reached my bottom bits, I was so relaxed that he could have popped my tail in with no problem.

He attacked my bottom, rubbing circles into the little bit of meat down there. But of course he couldn't just leave it like that and, before he moved on, he pinched me a couple of times, shooting off blasts of warmth and making everything tense up again.

And I just knew that he was smiling as he kissed the spots he had just pinched and then he rubbed them better before moving on down my thighs.

I'd pretty much sunk into a trance as the delicious sensations washed through me and I was a bit surprised, and almost disappointed, when he paused... but it turned out that he was just turning me over... I lay back, spread eagle, as he clipped my wrists and ankles back into their restraints.

His oily, exploring hands started to work their way back down my arms, drawing long, low sighs of pleasure.

But those sighs must have got too noisy because he had to pause to ease a gag into my mouth. It wasn't uncomfy but it did shut up his noisy kitten.

Now deaf, blind, mute and stretched out for his massaging pleasure, I couldn't do anything but lie there and squirm as his hands told me how much he'd missed me.

And, as his hands explored my body, I realised just how much I'd missed him too.

From my arms, his hands continued their smooth work onto my shoulders. He leaned down to kiss me on my forehead and I sort of wanted to kiss him back but of course I was helpless to respond in any way.

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