Chapter Thirty Seven - Home again

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We had to return home to England early on the Sunday morning because there was a storm threatened for later. Of course it was sad to leave the lovely villa and my new Nonno and even sadder to leave my new sister but I did look forward to being alone with Master again. There'd been plenty of lovely things to distract me but, deep down inside, I'd still missed him terribly.

The landing was seriously lumpy and bumpy and, if Master hadn't been sitting across the aisle, looking as calm as ever, I'd have been a much more worried kitten. He took my hand and smiled. That made everything better!

As soon as the wheels touched down, I could relax. Of course it was grey and damp and horrible and, as we hurried across the tarmac to the waiting limousine, the rain was just starting to fall. Welcome back to England!

Soon we were home and I scurried off to my room to take my clothes off and put my collar and ears on. Funnily enough, I'd missed the whole kitten thing too. By the time I made it back down to the study, Master was already busy at his desk. He smiled when he saw me. "Would you like your tail?" he asked.

I nodded wordlessly so he lay me across his lap and, after massaging my bottom for a bit with his slimy stuff, he eased it inside me. I gave a long deep sigh... both with pleasure and with relief.

Through the afternoon, I just knelt at his side as he worked and a wonderful calm spread through me. At last he sat back in his chair, smiled and told me to turn around.

There was a moment of shock when he unbuckled my collar... but this turned into a surge of joy when he replaced it with a different one. This one felt different - cold... like metal. Of course I was bursting with curiosity but I managed to stay in my 'good kitten' position.

He stood up and stepped round in front of me, inspecting me and my new collar then gave me a smile and a nod. He helped me to my feet and led me upstairs to his bedroom. "Close your eyes now, Kitten," he told me as he led me into his dressing room.

At last he let me open them so I could see the beautiful new collar. It was made of silver with all sorts of shiny stones. "A precious collar for my precious kitten," he said.

I couldn't contain myself any more and turned round to hug him.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

I nodded wordlessly. I was completely back in the kitten thing now and kittens don't talk.

For dinner, Master had pork medallions in a delicious creamy, mushroomy sauce with mashed potato and he fed me lovingly from his own plate. He even played some of his fun food games with me - making me wait with a piece of the meat in my mouth then making me chew until I really appreciated the flavour.

There was a delicious crème caramel for pudding which Master put in my ball for me and I got to scamper around, enjoying my treat whilst making him laugh.

And the jiggly bit of the tail as I scampered was fun too!

Then Master moved through to the living room and sat in his chair as I knelt in front of him."A couple of things, Kitten," he said, stroking my hair. "Firstly, from tomorrow, you need to get back onto your maths lessons, your economic reading and your piano practice."

I nodded. I'd missed a couple of weeks and needed to catch up.

"Words, please, Kitten, when we're talking seriously."

"I'm sorry, Master."

"That's alright," he said. "I appreciate that you're happy to be back into kitten headspace!"

He leaned down and gave me a kiss on the cheek but then gave my tail a little tug which sent surges through my bits.

"I also thought that you would like to continue your Italian work so I've arranged for Fransesca to give you two remote lessons per week."

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