Chapter Thirty Seven - Home again

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Master," I beamed. I definitely wanted to keep up with my Italian!

"Secondly, I have received a couple of hints that Slimeball is still after you. It's not safe for you to leave the apartment on your own so we have to suspend your walks"

"Yes, Master," I responded automatically. That's what being a kitten is all about; you don't have to make hard decisions. "Thank you for looking after me."

Of course Master could see I was disappointed and he reached down and stroked my hair. "I'll see how I can make it up to you," he promised, "and it's not such a loss at this time of year." We looked up together to the window... the storm was raging in all its fury - not really weather for walking.

"And finally," he went on, "do you remember that I told you that I didn't believe that you could give your consent to sex as long as you belonged to me?"

I thought about this and nodded. I had been sort of disappointed when he said it but accepted it as the way things were for his kitten. "Yes, Master," I replied.

"Now, if you remember, you no longer belong to me in that sense. Should you ever wish to leave me, you would be free to do so."

A smile spread across my face and a shiver passed through my whole body as I realised what he was telling me.

Now, I would love to have a whole string of little kittens around the place - and I know you'd make a perfect little mother." He gave me a smile and I knew he was thinking of how content I'd been when I'd been cuddling little Angelica back in La Conia. "However, I do not think you're quite ready for that yet... and now is certainly not the time with Slimeball on the loose."

It was hard to argue with that.

"So I've asked Dr Nil to recommend an appropriate nurse and she'll be visiting tomorrow to discuss contraceptive options with you, if that's alright."

"Yes, thank you, Master. It's more than alright."

"There is one more thing," he told me and, as he did so, he reached down and casually lifted me up in the air. Then he placed me so that I was kneeling across his lap with one knee on either side of him. In this position my head was almost level with his and he could look into my eyes.

"I thought you'd like to know that I've told Janie that I would no longer be requiring her services." A little surge passed through my body. Though I understood his reasons, I'd never really been happy about the other girls.

"And before you ask, no I haven't just chucked her out! I've told her she may stay in the flat until the end of the academic year."

"I never thought you would, Master. I know that you take care of the people that you feel responsible for."

Then he put a hand behind my back and pulled me towards him and his mouth closed on mine

"Should we go up?" he asked after a while.

I nodded without saying a word as I went back to being his kitten.

He led me up to his room and, for the first time, we brushed our teeth together. I'd always thought that the double sink thing was a bit silly but it was kind of fun to grin at each other in the mirror as we brushed.

I was glad that the toilet was round the corner though. I don't suppose I'd've really minded using it in front of him but I was quite glad I didn't have to.

When I returned to the main bedroom, he was in his changing room so I knelt by the bed to wait but I was startled by the ringing of his phone on the bedside table.

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