Chapter Twenty Four - And A Lost Kitten's Tail

Start from the beginning

"So you were a disobedient kitten?"

"Yes, Master." I knew it was true.

"You just thought you could get away with it."

"Yes, Master."

"You were wrong!"

"Yes, Master."

"Recurring theme here?"

"Yes, Master."

"So now we come to the matter of your punishment. You already appreciate how silly and dangerous your actions were, don't you, Kitten?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then all that is required is something to keep this at the forefront of your mind for the next couple of days." He reached down and took something from his desk drawer. "I think the tail is called for."

I gave a sudden, sharp intake of breath.

He paused briefly. "Again, because of the way you were treated in the past, I'm going to give you the option of a more conventional punishment. Would you prefer that, Kitten?"

"Certainly not because of the way..." My unladylike language alert suddenly stopped me from saying any more.

"Good Kitten," Master said with a smile when he noticed my self control. He rubbed his hand gently over my bottom and, even though it was still quite sore from the slaps, it felt very nice. "I hereby, and for all time, suspend my language rules when you're talking about your stepfather. There probably is no ladylike way of describing your feelings for him. So you may call him whatever you like!"

In spite of my situation, I had to smile at that too. He wasn't wrong! "It's not because of the way that horrible man treated me, I explained. I'm just a bit scared of how much it will hurt."

"Don't worry about that, Kitten," he said with a laugh. "It won't hurt. That's not the way this punishment works. If it does, I promise that I'll terminate it straight away."

"I don't understand."

"Don't worry, Kitten, you will!" I felt one of his hands; it was warm on my lower back and stroking me gently and I realised that I was trembling. I could only imagine how painful this was going to be. I braced myself.

"But, instead of the pain I'd expected, there was this shocking wave of pleasure as something warm and oily was massaged into my bottom. It was his slimy toothpaste stuff again. So, instead of the anticipated scream, a deep sigh was torn from my throat. This definitely didn't feel like a punishment.

And, as he continued to massage, everything down there started to relax. It had no choice, faced with those insistent, massaging fingers. I gasped into the table top and gripped the edge more firmly.

Something slipped inside my bottom but it didn't feel like the tail's cork. From the way it moved, it almost felt like... like a finger! My brain tried to tell me that that ought to be horrible and yucky but, with the things he was doing to me down there, my brain had pretty much stopped working and was dripping out of my ears. I would have tensed up but a building wave of pleasure stopped me as those massaging fingers built waves of arousal through my whole body and, in particular, from back to front.

Then, with a sharp explosion of pleasure that was almost pain, the thing was eased into my bottom.

And then, with a couple more gentle strokes, he eased me back down until I was left, spread out on the table, though one of his hands continued to tenderly stroke my back. I was still trembling but it wasn't from fear any more.

"So, how does that feel, Kitten?" he asked.

It was a long time before I could talk but he waited patiently, still rubbing my back. "Quite nice, if I'm honest," I managed to confess. I was happy that I was face down on the desk. I'd probably have been too embarrassed to admit it if I'd been looking at him. I found myself squirming to try to make sure the right bit of my body was being squeezed against the edge of his desk through the cushion.

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