Chapter Thirteen - You Belong to Me

Start from the beginning

His stroking finger moved from my back to my front, slowly moving up and down between my collar and a point just above my breasts and I gave a high pitched whimper. He allowed me to suffer for a while longer as he continued to rub his finger up and down... up and down... up and down...

But then suddenly... and shockingly... he stopped. He lifted me up, as if I was as light as a kitten, spun me around, and plonked me down with my bottom in the middle of his desk. Then he sat down and raised my feet so that there was one on each arm of his chair, leaving me completely exposed in front of him.

He sat there for a long time... he seemed to be enjoying the scenery. I was totally frozen and wanted to melt into the table top in embarrassment.

"My object all sublime, Kitten," he said at last with a smile, "is to let the punishment fit the crime..." He paused for a moment then said, "Sublime! Oh, what a good idea!" and gave me one of his evil smiles. Then he swung his desk lamp around so it was shining straight between my legs like a spotlight and touched a couple of buttons on his phone to turn the rest of the lights in the room right down. There was no doubt about where the main attraction lay. Then he sat there for a while longer, enjoying my discomfort, whilst the main attraction ached and throbbed.

"Now, Kitten," he said at last, "because of the nature of the punishment I have in mind, and because of what I know about your background, on this one occasion, you have my permission to refuse to comply. Should you make co choose, you will be punished in a more conventional manner."

I suppose that offer was nice... sort of... probably!

But, it also forced me to face the uncomfortable truth... deep down inside, I wanted to find out what he had in store for me.

I was almost looking forward to it!

Again he left a long pause before he went on, "Right then, Kitten, I want you to show me what you were doing."

My mouth fell open in shock. He couldn't ask me to do that, could he? Not in front of him. "But I can't... like... Ow!"

He'd just pinched the inside of my thigh just above my knee.

And it really hurt.

But, for some reason it sent a weird burst of warmth shooting down into my tummy.

"Silly Kitten! You know that I do not appreciate your use of the word 'like' as a vocalised pause... like that! And, anyway, this is not a time for you to speak. It is a time to do as you're told!"

I tried to lick the first two fingers of my right hand but my mouth was too dry. Of course Mr Pervy Pants chuckled at that but then he said, "Hang on a moment." He reached into a drawer and took something out. "Give me your paw," he told me.

I held out my hand and, for a moment, he held it and stroked it tenderly before squeezing something onto my first two fingers. It felt a bit like toothpaste but much cooler and slimier. "That might help!" he told me.

And so, quietly dying of embarrassment, I smeared the stuff onto myself.

And of course he was right; it felt good.

It felt really good.

It felt so good that before long I didn't need the help of his slimy stuff any more because I was producing plenty of my own.

And, as I firmly ran the two fingers to and fro along my length, I sank so deep into the feeling that I somehow managed to forget that he was there and I was soon slipping back into the happy state that I'd been in before I was so rudely interrupted. As my fingers began to move deeper inside, I swallowed a long, deep sigh.

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