Chapter Eight - A Feast of Consequences

Start from the beginning

He gave his permission with a nod but then frowned slightly as he added, "You know where they go!" He must have known that I'd been nosing around his bedroom... I had to do some quick mental calculations before I realised that it was only yesterday!

It seemed like half a lifetime ago.

So I hurried upstairs and went into his dressing room where I hung up his jacket and tie as neatly as possible. And, as I was turning to leave, I noticed a pair of smart, leather slippers so I carried those down. If I was going to be his poodle, I might as well be the best poodle I could possibly be.

He was on the phone again when I returned, this time discussing the onward shipment of the product. He was worried about the reliability of one of their delivery agents. When he saw the slippers in my hands, he smiled and stretched his feet out to let me change his shoes for him.

Very generous of him.

When I was done, he ruffled my hair again. It was pretty humiliating but, after everything I'd been through it still felt quite nice.

And when he had finished the second phone call, he was kind enough to tell me how he expected me to kneel: knees apart, sitting on my heels with my back straight and arms behind me, stretching down to touch my toes. 'Presenting my attributes to their best advantage,' was what he said.

Of course, that reminded me that I was starkers... somehow, I'd managed to forget!

I didn't say anything about it, though, because, firstly, he had told me not to speak and, secondly, I couldn't think of a single thing to say that wouldn't get me more of those dreadful whacks.

So, for the next hour I had to stay like that as he carried on with his work. Kneeling like that might have been pretty for him but it was pretty uncomfy for me! And, as I knelt there, I realised that I was hungry.... I suppose I should have saved some of that disgusting grey sludge for lunch.

At last the rumbling in my tummy became so loud that Mr Bossy noticed. "Are you, by any chance, getting hungry, Kitten?" he asked with a smile.

I wasn't supposed to talk so I nodded enthusiastically. And then I pretended not to notice when he phoned down to Elroy for the food.

After about half an hour, there were noises from down below. "Stay," he told me as he went downstairs. I didn't even think of moving... but I did relax a bit.

I heard Elroy's voice and my mouth started to water as delicious smells began to waft up the stairs. I could smell beef - probably steak - and there seemed to be potatoes there too... and maybe some vegetables. After a couple of minutes, I heard Mr Bossy's voice calling me to come and I didn't have to be told twice.

But as I hurried into the dining room, I was pulled up short. The table had only been set for one and I had to struggle to control my whimper of frustration.

Mr Bossy pointed to the floor next to him and I did my 'decorative kneeling' thing as he started to eat. I managed to keep my head pointing straight forward, as he'd taught me, but I followed every forkful with my eyes as he enjoyed his meal.

At last he sat back and my sly glances told me that there was still a bit of food left on his plate. I didn't know whether I dared to hope.

"Eyes closed, mouth open, tongue out," he said suddenly. I jumped and then hurriedly did as I was told. "Wait for my word or you'll go to bed hungry," he warned me as he popped something onto my tongue.

"Wait for it," he reminded me. I could smell... or was it taste... something meaty. I guessed it was a bit of the steak.

"Wait for it!" My saliva was starting to flow and I was desperate to bite into the nugget of flavour that was balanced on my tongue. A dribble ran down my chin and dripped onto my leg. Yes, I know I had, as he put it, betrayed his trust but this treatment felt really cruel.

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