I walked over to his dresser and fished through it for decent covering to walk back to my house in. I logically knew Carly showing up was not Finn's doing. But it didn't stop my emotions from constricting around my chest. "It's fine."

From the corner of my eye I saw Finn wince at my words. It was most certainly not fine. Finn stood and cautiously approached me. "Ryland I'll get rid of her. You can go home, change, and come back through the front door." He smiled lightly at his own joke then laced his fingers within mine. The places he touched burned, but not in the delicious way they had the night before. The tiny twang of jealousy I felt thinking about what he and Carly had shared was spoiling this moment for me. It was making me say stupid things I didn't mean.

"No, have your breakfast. I have plans anyway. Its Saturday I'm hanging with August today."

Finn visibly winced again and his left eyebrow shot up as his grip loosened around my hand. "Just you and August?" I had spent the summer talking his ear off about August just as he had about Carly. I knew what his question was truly implying, is there something going on between us?

"Yeah, just us. We're playing some games when my mom leaves for work." Finn nodded his head slowly as if he was processing the information I just gave him. He licked his bottom lip then squeezed my hand before releasing it.

"Ok, yeah." Finn ran his fingers through his hair. "I get it whatever you want." He retreated to his bathroom and shut the door. I took it as my opportunity to climb out of his window and go back to my room.

I couldn't shake the image of the look on his face. Or how stupid I was being for not just being up front that Marcus bet me I wouldn't ask August out. Jealously and all the traits that come with it make us stupid and irrational.


August was in every sense of the word fine. Even though I knew very little of him outside of basketball and his physical appearance I had crushed on him for years. Now here he was standing on my doorstep looking delicious as ever and let me tell you it was anticlimactic.

Those forest green eyes met my own as I stepped aside to let him in. "Ready to get your ass kicked Beckett?" As he walked by, I could help but inhale his cologne. He had used a bit too much and it was too harsh, it was nothing like the smooth stuff Finn wore.

What was I thinking? This was not the time to immerse myself in thoughts of Finn. It was finally time to get to know August.

Only the thought wasn't as appetizing as it had been the week before. It had diminished during this first week of school when August had a sudden interest in getting to know me. It's funny the moment you realize things aren't always cracked up to be what you thought they were. Regardless I still needed this to happen. I needed August to solidify something for me. I needed to know if he came here as a friend or his sudden interest in me was really just because he's seen me naked.

I probably wasn't being fair since my interest in him was solely do to the fact that I had seen him half naked several times on the basketball court. As I said August was nothing short of model. "Are you ok? You seem really distracted." August interrupted my thoughts just as I noticed my character in the UFC game had lost the match.

I tossed the game controller on the table in front of me before meeting August's eyes. I hadn't noticed we were so close together before. "Yeah sorry I was a little distracted."

August closed some of the space between us then pushed a stray hair from my face like Finn had this morning. Only his touch didn't elicit a spark within me, it made me shiver for the opposite reason. I could see a tiny trace of dirt beneath his fingernail. The demi-god had flaws.

I'm not sure why that miniscule speck of dirt under one fingernail was repulsing me so. It could have been because I was so wrapped up in Finn and the thought of Carly at his breakfast table this morning. August cut through my thoughts again. "Yeah, its been a rough first week of school. I'm sure this isn't how you thought turning 18 and starting your senior year would go."

"No, I didn't think me spread eagle in everyone in town's phone was how I thought I'd start my senior year." It was meant as a joke but the look on August's face let me know he was caught off guard by my sense of humor. "Sorry I—"

"No, I'm sorry I didn't mean... I just...yeah I'm just going to not shove my foot down my throat any further." August fidgeted with his hands for a moment before standing. After a second he sat back down an inch closer to me but still fidgeting.

If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have noticed the distance between us shrinking but August and his proximity has always been a pressing thought. He placed his hand on my knee and I couldn't stop my eyes from finding the speck of dirt under his fingernail again. Lord get me out of this mess.

The distance between us was closing again and I was debating how I was going to avoid this situation as his face drew closer to mine. Luckily, I didn't have to. The doorbell rang and I sprang up from August's grasp almost tripping over myself to get the front door.

Springing it open I found my favorite person standing on my doorstep with a two-liter in one hand and a bag of chips in the other. My smile stretched the corners of my mouth. "Marcus! What are you doing here?"

"I heard it was game night!" Marcus slipped past me then plopped down on the couch where I had been. August shifted swiftly to the opposite side of the couch while smacking his teeth. I couldn't help but hear the grunt of disapproval from August at the same time I released a sigh of relief.

Thank God for Marcus.

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