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The other girls eyed me up and down with both a look of surprise and a slight sneer in their tight-winged eyeliner eyes. Shit, I didn't even know how good I had looked until Janeka raised on arm in the air and bounced her hand and body up and down in rhythm to the sounds of 'Juicy' by Doja Cat blasting in the back.

She took a long drag with her free hand and blew the smoke out her nose like a pro, sticking out her tongue while circling her torso around and around. "Bitch you look good! Stop lookin' like this yo first day in middle school!" she stuck out her tongue, that one hand still in the air.

Finally pulling her hand down from gravity, she placed both her manicured lovelies on her knees and made her ass move one cheek at a time, looking back at it with a triumphant smile.

Oh, she was feeling that edible for real.

Janeka snapped her neck back at the stank-face hoes in the corner with her freshly re-applied 25mm lashes and just sucked her teeth.

"Can y'all hoes lighten up? She new, y'all not. If y'all feel pressure then take off the fuckin' cuff and get on the floor!"

The two girls, known around the club as Kiki and Kiko, the dancing pairs, ain't say shit but get up and saunter out of the dressing room with a flip of their 38 inch 613 bundles.

When the door shut closed, Janeka waved her hand in a 'shoo' motion at the door and smiled at me. She had a whole mouth on her but everybody knew Janeka had hands like Mike Tyson in a 125-lb body, so ain't nobody even stick around to see that match lit.

"Don't worry 'bout them hoes. They always treat the new girl like that. But shit, take a shot girl and puff this blunt. The first few nights gonna shake you something hard but luckily you on a slow night."

Janeka pushed a small shot glass of hennesy she pulled out of her duffle bag towards me with one hand, blunt with the other. Her dark-brown eyes ate through me where I couldn't even say no.

"Alright, shit, if you think it'll help." I took a breath, tip-toed closer to the glass and held my nose. This was some strong as Hennesy!

I felt the dirty brown warm my stomach and sting my throat and with a long drag of her thick blunt, my whole body was a lil' looser.

Blowing the smoke away from my face scared my makeup gonna melt, I coughed a few times, each cough bringing me closer to being cross-faded. "Shit," cough "Janeka, where you cop your weed from?" I adjusted the top of my outfit by the straps, shifting it left and right to show more of my C-cup titties.

Janeka took her shot herself. She stuck out her tongue as she put the shot glass down. "Whew!" she made a noise like a dog clearing its throat.

"That's a secret, girl, now go. DJ don't like to call the girls more than tw-"

Cherie Blossom, where you at girl? Did your tree die already?

Janeka let out a real obnoxious laugh and smacked me on my ass, gripping onto one cheek to watch it bounce.

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