21 ; 二十一

953 33 2

"You know I'm still technically on shift." I teased, taking a long sip of my coke. Q and i had stopped at the local burger spot and I ordered my usual large fry with an even larger strawberry milkshake with a coke on the side.

He ordered some extra sloppy Philly cheesesteak with seasoned fries and a large cherry cola. I didnt even know they made cherry colas anymore but there he was drinking the shit like it was going out of style.

"Girl, please." He scoffed. "Ain't no way Koji gonna mind that you miss a night of work to see about his girl. If anything, he gonna appreciate it more even if he dont say shit."

"That's true." I agreed. "Speaking of, what was Koji saying when you caught up with him."

"Tuh. I feel bad for that Quan bitch, whoever she is. I dont know much cause that's Koji business at the end of the day but from what Florice tell me she's been stirring shit with her bare hands to the point her fingernails are brown. She just some miserable dime who can't get over the fact her ex nigga done moved on."

"But," i interrupted, pointing my index finger in the air, "I'm saying what's the point of kicking up so much shit when at the end of the day you got a baby to worry about." I shook my head at the thought. I dont care what nobody say but the baby mama culture is off the fucking chain. My mom always raised me to line myself up to be a wife so, even if shit goes sour, i can always be guaranteed a type of alimony for the kids.

As docile as my mom likes to make herself out to be, she knows a lot more game than she lets me on to believe. She always told me she slowed down when she me my dad and just adopted the whole "wife of a surgeon" lifestyle. And I'm sure she couldn't pop her tongue and talk cash shit when going with him to those medical conferences.

But, when I caught her alone, my mom always sprinkled a gem or two for me to pick up. And she continuously made a point to remind me to wait on babies if my ring finger is butt-ass naked.

Scoffing aloud at my thoughts, I couldn't help but shake my head and laugh.

"What you laughing 'bout over there, crazy girl?" Q quizzed, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Nothing." I waved off his inquiry and continued on drinking my shake.

"Nothing my ass," mumbled Q. He wiped his mouth from the cheesesteak reside before r opening his mouth to speak.

"So, we gonna talk about this nigga that's giving you problems?" He changed the subject, referring to Dominic with a blatant attitude.

"What about him?" I let the fry i was eating sit on my lip a little longer to stall any further answers. Truthfully, i knew i had to get this situation under control with Dominic if i was going to move on in- whatever- direction I wanted to head.

I looked over at Q briefly. He was looking down at his phone so i had a moment to take him all in. The sudden flash of his smile back at our dinner date came back running to my memory that instantly made me blush.

I had to look the fuck away.

"Here," Q motioned his phone to me as if nothing happened. I looked down and saw an address for a gun range.

"Q? What are-"

"To begin with, i don't think a pretty girl like you needs to be running around Atlanta all day and night without a pistol. Even if its a peashooter."

"I know I'm not ya man but I have sister and a nigga like Dominic don't give me good feelings and shit."

I was still looking at the address, blinking absentmindedly. Talking a deep breath, i nodded in agreement.

"You're right. And i'm sorry you pulled into this-"

"Ain't no need, ma. I fuck with you cuz you fuck with Florice. And besides, you not hard on the eyes."

"Tsk!" I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes at his comment. Secretly, i fucked with it. But i wasnt about to let him know that.

"What's y'all history anyway? I mean," he scoffed jokingly, "I don't want no pussy to have me doing pop ups like that."

"It's not even like that," i replied with a side-eye.

"Dominic and I was good. Great, actually. But," i tried hard not to put so much of my business out there, so i veered away from the truth just a small bit.

"He started to hit me and threaten me too much. To the point he started calling me names and shit when I decided to be a stripper. He didn't understand that i couldn't be with him anymore and i had to make a way for myself, so. . . He can't let go of the fact i let go."

"He isolated me from my parents, isolated me from my friends, slandered my name up and down the college we went at,"

Oh, shit. This actually wasn't a lie. Why was i starting to tear up?

"He ruined my life, honestly." My voice squeaked at the very end, giving it away i was getting emotional.

"Aw, shit, my bad ma. I ain't mean to make you sad. Here, have some of my sandwich-"

Sniff "Don't nobody want that shit!" I replied with a giggle.

There was an awkward silence between us as we finished our food. We watched some ambulances ride up to the roundabout and encircle the driveway and it hit me how tired my body was.

After the second yawn, Q looked at his phone and whistled loudly.

"Let's get you home. It's almost 2am."

"Yeah, you right."

As we walked over to Q car and got on our respective sides, Q looked over at me with what i assumed to be soft eyes as he spoke.

"For what its worth, you're too good for a nigga like that. Even if we didn't work out, if you was my girl, i woulda did you the respect to leave you alone and not ruin your life. We gonna get you strapped and, well, if you want, I'll take you to the range."

I blinked a few times, slightly confused, but a smile spread spread on my face at his suggestion.

"I'd like that actually. Only if you promise food after."

"Make it a movie and I'll think about it. But I'm picking it. "

Hmph, fine.

"Hmph, fine!"

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