19 ; 十九

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I walked through the hallway behind Q and even further behind Koji. The mystery man was already ahead of the three of us looking for Janeka's room. One one hand I was curious as to who the stranger was, but  I was so worried that the worst was going on with Florice that I pushed it to the back of my mind.

I wanted to walk next to Q instead of being behind him, but I knew his mind was somewhere else as well. But I couldn't lie, he looked great and the cologne he wore was tickling my nostrils and other places I didn't even know even considered Q as a viable option until now.

When we walked up to Florice's room with Janeka's, ironically, next door, I shook my head of all my school grl thoughts put on a brave face of what I thought I was going to see.

"Flo, baby you straight??" Koji immediately stood by Florice's side, cradling her face in his large hands and kissing her cheek and forehead.

Florice was sitting up in the bed, her face bandaged, a bonnet on her head, and a hospital gown substituting her post-club attire. She had an IV hooked up to her and I couldn't help but hate how  tired she looked.

"Hey everybody," her smile was wide but her eyes were so sad, something in me knew something was wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it. You ever had one of those situations where the air was so tense that you couldn't breathe? But we kept trying to gasp for air anyway.

"Hey? Girl it ain't no hey,"  I frowned, taking her hand into mine. "Are you okay? Why they got you so plugged up like this?"

Florice waved me off, shaking her head with a reassuring smile. "Its nothing, girl. They said something about my labwork showing a little abnormal. So I guess they're going to do some extra precautions before letting me go. They even did a ultrasound on me and all. The doctor should be in-"

"Miss Watson? Hi, I'm Dr. Bronner and I wanted to go over the results of your ultrasound with you. Is this your husband?" the slim, quirky looking doctor pointed over to Koji's direction after sanitizing his hands with a glob of white hand sanitizer foam.

"Yeah, i'm her husband." Koji spoke up before either of us could interject, and that was my and Q's signal to walk out.

"I'll be back girl." I patted Florice hand before walking out the room and closing It behind me. Q was already out in the hallway on his phone, his glance never bouncing on me. I guess I was looking at him harder than I thought because his eyes motioned to me almost abruptly when I stoo by the door.

"How have you been?" Q asked, tucking his phone in his pocket. He tried to eavesdrop on the door but by the looks of his face it wasn't a solid effort. I would assume being in a hospital would assure secure confidentiality. All the money they invest in these hospitals, not even to mention how much they charge you, I would hope they have soundproof rooms.

"I've been okay, just working. What about you?"

"Straight, just maintaining." Q looked around before continuing to speak, by the way he lowered his tone I had a feeling it was about the fat ass pink elephant in the room.

"So did you know Janeka had a gangbangin ass dude as her nigga?"

I popped my tongue and raised my eyebrows in surprise. That shit was on my mind from the time he came in the ER but I didn't want to be the one to say it.

"Oh my god, no! This whole time I thought she was gay. But I'm not even going to lie to you, something about him is off. He didn't even speak to none of us when we all came in."

"He probably don't even know we all know eachother."

"That or Janeka just didn't want him to know. But something in my gut tells me its more to it that we don't know."

Q shrugged, smoothing down his waves with a sigh. "Either way, i'm glad this shit didn't escalate the way I thought it was."

"Yeah-" my voice trailed off as I saw Janeka's supposed boyfrend come out of the room with Janeka and a nurse following shortly behind.

"Imma pull the car around, just come out when you ready." The stranger glanced back at Q and I, nodded our direction and made a beeline out the ER.


The nurse handed  Janeka an additional set of papers in her left hand, as the right as bandaged up really bad. I turned my back to her to not give off I was listening but the next bit of words worried me deeply.

"Now if you ever run into any trouble, just call these numbers, okay? I didn't want to give them to you while he was in the room but all the needed information is right here. And we also have a card you can call if ever-"

"Q. Ari, y'all can come in. Janeka, you want to come in, too?" Koji poked his head out of her room door, his forehead creased and lips pressed into a straight line.

"Yeah, we coming. Let me see my girl. Thank you, ma'am. I'll hold on to this."

The older looking nurse squeezed Janeka's arm reassuringly before walking away to the next room. Janeka skipped the introductions and double-timed in Florice room with Q and I following shortly behind.

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