十四 ; 14

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I came out of the bathroom, towel wrapped loosely around my body as my phone continued to blow the fuck out. It made me frown instantly. I knew Dominic the be the pushy type but never would I take him for the type that would blow someone's phone up excessively.

Wine already in hand, I leaned against my island kitchen counter top and slid my phone upwards so it can be unlocked. Instantly, I felt my mood lighten when I saw it was Rich calling me.

Without hesitating I called him back, sipping my wine as the phone proceeded to ring.

"Hey, girl, wassup witcha?" Rich's deep voice oozed into my ear as his greeting echoed in my ear through the speaker.

"Hey," I smiled, taking another sip of my wine, "You called?"

"Yeah, of course." I could hear him turning the music down in his car. "You didn't forget our date, did you?"

What?! "I had text you I was on my way to your house but you never responded."

My lips curved into a frown while I checked my messages quickly before returning to the call.

Shit. We did confirm a date. I must have forgotten since I was too stressed about Dominic dumb ass.

"Oh, yeah- "I chuckled nervously, pouring another glass. "Now I remember. So, where you at now?" I bit my lip in hopes that he was still far out the way so I could tell Dominic we're gonna have to reschedule.

"Shit, I'm outside 'bout to park."

Fuck! What imma do now?

I played it cool in my response, trying not to sound too alarmed.

"Oh- okay, cool. Just make sure to park in visitor's and come up."

I could hear him smiling through the phone. "Say less, then. Apartment 569, right?"

"You got it." I laid on a playful giggle and ended the call. Biting my nails, I tried to call Dominic but it was going straight to voicemail. Even when I was prepping to send him a text message, the message bubble was turning green.

"Tsk, shit, man." I placed my phone on the counter again and walked off to the bathroom. Whether it was going to be Dominic or Rich, I might as well get ready and not think this nigga was gonna fuck if I answered the door with a towel on.


"Damn, Ari, you got a nice ass house. I like it." Rich sat himself down on the couch, helping himself to the remote as he waited for me to finish getting ready.

"Thanks! I'm actually thinking about moving, though." I lined my lashed up with glue and continued to line my lips with a dark brown lip liner to give my lips a poutier look.

"Oh, yeah? Where?" he threw one of Cherry's toys across the room so she could fetch it. I could tell by how rapidly she squeaked it through the kitchen to the living room and back.

"Probably closer to the club or downtown Atlanta. I'm not too sure yet."

"Shit, wherever you decide let me know. I prolyl could help you move and shit."

I sucked my teeth and smiled at his gesture "Stop playing! I wouldn't ask you all that."

"Why not? I don't mind helping you. I'm a gentleman, Afterall." He flipped through his phone, taking a sip of the wine I poured for him.

"That's what they all say!" I teased. I saw my phone was ringing again and it made me suck my teeth till the porcelain was ripped off.

It was Dominic. He was calling me off his other phone. I don't know why I didn't think to save the other number but now I'm regretting it.

"Yes, Dominic." Rolling my eyes, I applied one last coat of mascara before popping one of my lashes on. With one arm crossed, I tapped my foot up and down like I was waiting on the bus.

"Damn, girl! Why you sounding like you already in a pissy mood?"

"I'm not in no mood, Dominic. I answered the phone for you. that's better than nothing, ain't it?"

"I mean yeah but at least sound happy that we're going on a date."

"Speaking of that, Domin- "

"Tell me when you answer the door. I'm outside."

"Shit!" I popped another lash on and quickly threw on a t-shirt and some shorts. My breasts were still damp and surely clung to my shirt but I didn't care. I was about to make up some last-minute shit and call this entire date off.

Quickly, I looked through the peephole and as a matter of fact, Dominic was outside with a dozen red roses.

I would have been impressed if Rich didn't come with a 500 blue rose bouquet.

I cracked open the door so Dominic couldn't see inside and walked out, abruptly shutting the door behind me. I tried my best to ignore Rich's gaze as I had bigger fish to fry.

"Hey, Dominic."

Dominic looked down at me like he stepped on an ant. He hated when I wore makeup and I wasn't even dressed like I was going on a date

"Why you gotta put on all that makeup? You know you don't need- "

"I can't go out with you tonight."

"What!?" he dropped the roses to his hip with his mouth open in shock.

"I'm sorry, but they called me in to wo- "

"What you mean called you in? You a fucking dancer. Ain't no schedule."

"We actually do have a schedule, Dominic... "I crossed my arms and frowned deep. I wasn't in the mood for his judgmental shit tonight or any night to be exact.

"Look, can't you cancel? I already drove 45 mins to come and- "

"No, I can't." I lied. "I don't sit up on my ass and tell you don't go to work, so why should you feel comfortable doing that shit to me?"

"Oh please," he scoffed at my defense, "You not about to tell me you standing on a stage and spreading your pussy is a real fucking job."

"I don't gotta explain shit to you. look, the date is off, okay?"

"No, the fuck its not," Dominic dropped the roses and grabbed my arm to pull me back to face him as I tried to turn on my heel to go back in the house.

"We had a deal, Ari."

"Dominic, you're hurting me,"

"You heard me, Ari. Either we go on this date or- "

"Baby girl, you straight?" Rich opened the door and laid his eyes on Dominic and I. I guess he got concerned when he saw Cherry was sitting at the door whimpering.

"Uh, who is this?" Dominic snatched away my arm and looked Rich up and down.

"Nobody, Dominic. Just go 'head."

"Oh no," he laughed in disbelief. "You mean to tell me you cancelled my date to go out with this nigga? Didn't you just have another nigga here the last time I came 'round?"

Dominic put his hands on his hips, shaking his head in disbelief.

"First you wanna dance and now you fucking niggas for cash? You just keep falling further and further from who you really are, huh?"

The blood in my ears began to boil and I saw black. When I came back to, my hand was throbbing and Dominic cradled his cheek in his hand.

"Fucking' bitch!" Dominic spat. I rushed into the house with Rich standing in the doorway, looking down on Dominic in disgust.

"Fuck nigga, move. I ain't done with her! Ari, get back out here!"

Rich glowered down at Dominic in disgust. He said nothing but lift up his shirt to a pistol tucked in his waistband.

"I suggest you leave. And make the shit quick."

Dominic, still holding his face, said nothing but stumble down the hall and down the stairway. He left the roses where they lay and so did Rich as he walked back into the house after confirming he was long gone. 

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