27. Final Author's Note

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Okay I just wanted to say, I was like 15-16ish when I wrote this story and in a really bad place mentally and physically. I am almost 19 now. Since writing this story, I have grown up as a writer and as a person.

I'm starting college in the Spring. I went to my first pride this summer. And THE MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE REUNION IS GONNA BE DOPE even though I can't go.

But anyway, thank you so much for reading this book. I read it every once in a while and read through the comments and smile because like once upon a time writing this book was my escape from a really dark life and now... reading this back and remembering how my life was... it will always get better. No matter how hard it is now, it gets better. Love y'all. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Edit: I also graduated high early and am going to college in the upcoming semester. I got a car, I got my teeth straightened, etc. Life is really good and it gets better thank you for sticking with me through this story. 

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