1. The Ways

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"Mr. Way," Mrs. Johnson called for Mikey's attention, her shirt unbuttoned a little too much. "I need to speak to you after class." Mikey Way nodded, internally rolling his eyes. Yes, his science teacher was hot as fuck, but he really didn't feel like working for 'extra credit'.

He loved to have sex, but not everyday. Let's get real, your dick can only take so much. He wasn't a sex maniac, that was his older brother. Mikey liked to read and play bass rather than have sex. He was a teenage boy, though. So he did have fun quite often.

Mikey sighed to himself as he noticed his teacher leaning over the table, showing off her cleavage. He looked to his phone, trying to ignore the teacher. She wasn't old, actually pretty young. She was only twenty three and very hot as well. That's why Mikey had detention with her often. Obviously, it was never on his record. Because it was anything but punishment.

He decided to text his mom, pretending to be sick to get out of 'extra credit' with his teacher. It should've felt weird for Mikey to fuck his teacher, but it didn't. Mikey wasn't good at science, but he knew no one denied him. Not even adults, well mainly young, female teachers. Mikey had never desired to fuck anyone over thirty.

"I need Mikey Way to check out," the woman said over the intercom. Mikey noticed Mrs. Johnson's expression as he packed his things.

"Tomorrow?" He offered. She nodded, a smile creeping on her face. He felt a little better about himself. He didn't like to bail on people, even if it was to get out of an illegal arrangement made with his teacher.

"Bye Mrs. Way. Later Mikey," the receptionist winked at the young boy. Mrs. Way cocked an eyebrow, not aware of her two sons' reputations in the bedroom.

"What was that about, Mikey?" His mother asked, a little creeped out. Mikey didn't desire to ruin his and his brother's 'secret', it being secret from their family and other adults outside of school.

"I think she may be a lesbian. You are very beautiful, Mom," he smiled at his mother. Mrs. Way blushed and playfully slapped him on the shoulder. Mikey knew that compliments were the way to a new bass for Christmas or his birthday.

"Doctor's visit?" She asked. Mikey shook his head.

"Light fever... If that. I just had a severe headache. The nurse wouldn't give me pain killers..." He knew his mother had nothing better to do than sit at home and watch The Real House Wives of Orange County or do laundry because his dad worked as a lawyer in Los Angeles, being away a lot. He was never home, but he sent fat checks weekly.

That's why the Ways were the wealthiest family around and also why the Way brothers were always getting away with things a kid with a dad at wouldn't get away with. If Mr. Way was actually home, Mikey and Gerard wouldn't party every weekend, mainly because their father liked family time. But his job came before his wife and sons. So the boys didn't have the greatest role model to show them how to prioritize.


Gerard Way sat in the back of his class, his sexy English teacher reading a poem by Shakespeare. Gerard didn't care about Shakespeare. He didn't really care about much. He really only cared about passing twelfth grade and having sex with everyone who seemed like a good fuck.

Gerard Way always got what he wanted. He didn't use force, just his words. He could seduce anyone with the bat of his lashes. He even slept with the town's 'virgin', Lindsey Ballato, who wasn't a virgin anymore. That was a long story that Gerard Way hardly had time for.

But Lindsey seemed to love to tell the story. Gerard thought that she made it sound like he wasn't drunk and that she was experienced. From what Gerard could remember, he had to take the lead on everything. But that wasn't too bad.

He sighed to himself, looking at his phone to see that the class was almost over. He didn't want it to be over. He wanted Mr. Smith to come to the back and tell him to stay after class for a little bit. But Mr. Smith didn't show any signs of wanting to see Gerard, much less acknowledging him as he handed in his assignment.

The bell rang and Gerard reluctantly picked up his things. He only had one hour left. He was angry because his brother got to go home and he didn't. He was upset because his sexiest teacher didn't talk to him today. He just wanted to go home, but he knew he had to stay to pick up the work Mikey had missed.

"Gerard, I'll be seeing you on Saturday for detention," Mr. Smith handed Gerard a detention slip. It was for late assignments, like Gerard cared. He knew what his teacher meant when it came to 'detention'. Like his younger brother, Gerard had fun with teachers.

"I will," Gerard winked at the man, looking at the paper. Mr. Smith's new address was on there. Gerard knew he'd be doing a hell of a lot more than making up for late assignments. Gerard left the classroom, happier than before. He ran into Ray Toro, Mikey's sort of exboyfriend, sort of fuck buddy.

"Did Mikey say anything about me?" He asked shyly.

"Sorry... No. I'll tell him I ran into you... See ya." Ray knew Gerard would forget about him as soon as he walked away. Gerard knew that too. But it didn't seem to bother him as much as it bothered Ray.

The only things Gerard Way remembered were his fuck buddies, his birthday, and his homework sometimes. But that was rarely and probably the main reason behind his 'detentions' with Mr. Smith.



Coven is fucking life don't argue with me.

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