16. Lying isn't the Most Fun Gerard Can Have Without Taking His Clothes Off

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Brendon Urie was pissed. Dallon had found out he'd slept with Gerard Way. And so Brendon was determined to make sure Frank knew because Brendon was a fucking asshole like that.

"Hey, so you wanna fuck again?" Brendon asked.

"Fuck off. I have a boyfriend."

"That's not what you said the other night." Gerard grew wide eyed. "Yeah... Don't want your Frankie to know?"

"Shut up. I'm gonna fucking-"

"You gonna chase me around like you did to Patrick? I bet your brother would find it fun." Gerard was getting really, really mad.


Pete Wentz was in the locker room, reapplying too much eyeliner. The fucking eyeliner was water proof, so the shower didn't wash it off and neither did his sweat. He just wanted it darker. Frank really didn't think it was possible to get the circles around his eyes any fucking darker.

"If only you cared about anything else as much as you cared about eyeliner..." Frank huffed, dressing.

"I care about sex, too."

"What about Patrick?"

"He only buys me eyeliner."

"So you don't care about him?"

"I love him. But I know we'll break up by our junior year. So, eh... I want makeup and sex. That's all a boy can ask for?"

"Sure..." Frank really didn't understand why, but he liked to watch Pete put on eyeliner.

Pete Wentz was really only wanting his emoness to level up, but no matter how much eyeliner he applied, he'd always be the second most emo in the school. The first was a girl named Lilli, who was a fucking emo wreck, but a hot emo wreck that did eyeliner really well and made sure Pete Wentz stayed the number two emo in their big, fancy school because Lilli was kind of a cold hearted bitch when it came to emo contests.

"Wanna try?" Pete asked. "It's not that hard."

"S-Sure..." Frank said, taking the pen from Pete.

"Just go with the contour of your eye... Yeah... Like that-no. Stop you'll ruin it. Don't press so hard. Let me do it," Pete took it away before Frank really got to make a mark. "It looks good on you. You should practice. Here's one I haven't used." Frank looked at the pen and took it from Pete with a thank you. Then, the boys left their gym class.


Brendon Urie waited for Frank by his car. Frank drove to school that day because he didn't feel like carpooling with Ray and Mikey.


"Um... hi?" Frank really didn't know the senoir and he didn't know if he was going to get mugged. "I don't have any money on me... Please just go..."

"I'm not gonna mug you."

"Then what do you want?"

"You know that party Gerard went to?" Frank nodded slowly. "Well, he slept with me. Like he fucked me. It felt really good, too. I like being the bottom with him. You would know?" Everyone knew that Frank and Gerard hadn't had sex yet. Frank kind of used it to tell everyone that him and Gerard were actually a thing and not just fuck buddies.

"He... He what?"

"He had sex with me. He said I got his teen heart beating faster, faster," Brendon shrugged. He snickered at the look on the shorter boy's face and walked off.

For Frank, his whole world came crashing down. He didn't know what to think, how to feel. All he knew was that even though he wasn't in love with Gerard, being in like with someone was enough to fuck you up high-key.

Frank drove all the way home without crying. He went upstairs and didn't cry. He ate dinner and watched TV with his parents and didn't cry. He showered and didn't cry. He did his homework and didn't cry. He only started to tear up when a text from his boyfriend came.

To Frank:
Hey baby

Frank didn't respond. He just started to cry. He didn't know what else to do. He was quiet, so his parents didn't hear. But he wanted to scream and pound on the floor. He wanted to throw his phone at the wall and sob until he couldn't feel a thing.


The next day at school, Gerard didn't understand why Frank was hanging out with Pete Wentz. He didn't understand why Frank hadn't talked to him all day. So he finally decided to say something.

"Hey..." he tried to hold Frank's hand, but was yanked away from.

"Go away, asshole."

"What did I do?"

"It's not what, but who... Go fuck someone who wants you. Like Brendon, maybe. He seems to like being fucked by you."

"What?" Gerard asked, really upset and surprised that Frank knew.

"You know what? I hope you think about what you did. And I hope to God he was worth it, because we are fucking over," Frank yelled, making everyone stop and stare. Pete had walked away, being sure to not be the center of attention, even though Pete could be a little attention whore.

"I... I..." Gerard couldn't apologize because Frank had walked off, black tears streaming down his face because Pete Wentz didn't give him the waterproof eyeliner.



Also, the title of the chapter is so fucking long because Panic! definitely believes in long song titles.

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