8. Gerard Way is Feeling Stuff Because Frank Iero is Fucking Adorable

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Gerard Way found himself on another unofficial date with Frank Iero. And he also found himself getting a little uneasy about Frank being late to their dinner plans. Gerard had actually came a little early, but it was fifteen minutes after eight and Gerard Way was feeling stood up.

Frank Iero didn't mean to be late, but his mother and father leaving for an 'important' family event, without him, didn't leave him the option to show up on time. And it also didn't help that his parents were fighting as well.

Frank was exactly thirty minutes late to the unofficial dinner date. And as Frank was parking, he noticed Gerard Way leaving the restaurant. "Gerard!" Gerard kept walking, ignoring the boy. "Gerard, I'm sorry I'm late..."

Gerard Way was furious. He didn't like this one god damn bit. He didn't like being rejected, something Frank had introduced to him. And he really didn't like being stood up.

"I didn't mean to be late... My parents were kind of being mean to each other and they left for something..." Gerard stopped, knowing very well how Frank's parents treated one another.

"You okay?" Gerard asked, walking over to Frank.

"Yeah. They just left and..." Gerard hugged Frank, cutting him off. Frank really didn't expect the hug from Gerard Way, the sex machine in the not so new, big, fancy school he attended. Gerard was a teddy bear. Well, not to just anyone.

"I missed you. I thought you stood me up!" Gerard kind of laughed at that thought. Gerard was doubting himself as he waited for Frank, but his ego was sky rocketing now that Frank had an explanation. And so he returned to his awkwardly, cocky self.

"I'm really sorry, Gerard. I didn't mean to..." Frank looked to his feet.

"It's okay. I just... Um... Wanna go to a movie or something?"

"Can we watch one at my house? I've got it all to myself." Gerard's first thoughts had a lot of sex in them because he was a teenage boy, but he cleared his mind of that quickly.

"Yeah. I'll follow you in my car," Gerard said. Frank nodded. But before Gerard Way, the hottest guy ever to exist, could turn away, Frank Iero, the dorkiest and shortest kid, got on his tip toes and pecked Gerard Way.

Frank didn't feel Gerard kiss back, so he tried to pull away, but was brought back to Gerard's lips by Gerard's hands, that were now on his face. It could've been a more romantic kiss, but Gerard sucked at romance and was only used to sex. But that was okay. It wasn't like Frank had much experience with the whole romance thing either.

"We can kiss more at my house," Frank pulled away, a little out of breathe. Gerard nodded, hoping he didn't go too far for Frank. But that was enough to sell Gerard and make him run to his car. Frank giggled at how eager Gerard was to kiss him again.

"What movie should we watch?" Frank asked, looking through Netflix. Gerard shrugged, only wanting to kiss Frank again. Gerard was a little more than disappointed that they didn't kiss as soon as they got into the driveway, much less the house. "Can we watch Ghost Adventures?" Gerard nodded, smiling at Frank.

"Can I kiss you now?" Gerard asked.

"I need to set boundaries first, Gerard."

"I know. Nothing sexual until I'm your boyfriend or something. I know, Frank. I just want to kiss you," Gerard said, almost robotic. Frank giggled at Gerard.

Gerard Way was feeling a lot of things that night. But nothing was as strong as the urge to kiss Frank Iero. He had never wanted to just kiss someone, not make out, before today. He was really nervous and kind of freaked out.

Gerard fucking Way was actually having feelings for Frank. Gerard was labeled as an emotionless, sex robot at his school. All the students, including Patrick who would've agreed whole heartily about Gerard having no feelings whatsoever, didn't even think Gerard had a heart. But Frank was making him feel stuff that only a human, that humans know off, could feel.

Frank Iero was feeling some stuff, too. It was mostly just the Bella Swan feelings as Frank's Edward Cullen was sitting right before him. For all Frank knew, Gerard was actually a sparkly vampire that wanted to suck his blood. Because, like no one could actually be as sexy as Gerard without trying. And if Frank was honest with himself, he'd let Gerard Way kill him if he was a vampire. Because Frank was weird as fuck and maybe that was an undiscovered kink he had.

Frank was fucking head over heels in like with Gerard, and yes in like. Because Frank really didn't know what love was entirely because he was only sixteen and he knew what happened to teen girls who were sixteen and in 'love'. They got their fucking Cinderella hearts smashed or pregnant and then their hearts were smashed and they were fucked because they had a baby.

Obviously Frank couldn't get pregnant, because this story needs a little reality in it. But Frank knew he couldn't be in love with Gerard because he knew that maybe Gerard only wanted into his pants. But that didn't really matter because Frank was okay with being in like with Gerard and would totally be okay if Gerard fucked him right then and there.

And so, you'd think two teenage boys who were both a little turned on by each other a little too much, would've fucked each other on the couch right then and there and Frank would've crossed all his boundaries and that the two would become boyfriends. But Gerard Way actually respected Frank and actually wanted to work for Frank's trust and his consent.

Gerard Way never had to do much work to have anyone sleep with him. It was only Frank that made Gerard determined to work for it. But even then, Gerard didn't want only sex. He wanted to be Frank's boyfriend and all that teenage lovers bullshit. Because Frank Iero made Gerard feel feelings that Gerard had never felt before.

The feelings weren't just his dick hardening. It was his heart having a boner for Frank, a heart on or an affection erection. Even though that sounded weird as shit, Gerard really could only use that to describe what he felt.



Maybe we're craaaaaazzzzzzzzaiiiii

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