24. Frank Gets Laid Again and Gerard Acts like a Grownup

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"Gee," Frank said to his half asleep boyfriend.


"What will we do?"

"About what, Frankie?" Gerard was tired. The two had spent at least a good three hours fucking each other. So the two were spent.

"Like after graduation... After I graduate... Will we even be together?"

"Frank, babe, don't say that... I love you. We'll always be together."



"Maybe promise will be our always," Frank giggled. He was in a giggly and tired mood. He didn't want to bother Gerard, but he also wanted to talk. Like a lot.

"You reference that book too much. Pick a new one..."

"I can't decide..."

"You're very talkative," Gerard chuckled, kissing Frank softly.

"Bad thing or good thing?"

"Good thing. I love your voice."

"Good," Frank said.



"Delightful!" Gerard bickered.

"Fucking perfect!"

"Is that our always?" Gerard laughed. "Sleep, baby."

"I can't."

"You have exams."

"Shut up. Don't talk about them."

"Make me," Gerard laughed.

"I'll make you," Frank challenged, straddling his boyfriend. He was extremely naked, as was Gerard. But it was dark and both of them were fucking tired, so Frank just settled for sticking his tongue down Gerard's throat and falling asleep on his chest.


Exams. Frank had to focus on his exams. It was kind of hard to focus when he had a boner and Gerard was blowing up his phone, making him more turned on.

To Frank:
I want you so badly!

To Frank:
I'm your homework. Do me!

To Frank:
I'll destroya in bed ;)

To Frank:
Fuck the exams!

To Frank:
Fuck me instead, actually.

To Gerard:
Shh. I have one more question. Then, I'll meet you outside.

To Frank:
Beat ya there, baby. My car... Mikey's pissed. He knows it wasn't soda...

To Gerard:
He can suck my dick.

To Frank:
I'd rather he not.

To Gerard:
Omg. Let me finish!

Frank ignored the next message and quickly turned in his test. He was allowed to leave once he turned it in. So, he quickly ran to the parking lot, finding his sexy boyfriend in the car.

"Damn, you get sexier every time I see you," Gerard pulled his boyfriend into the backseat of his car.

"Gee," Frank moaned, Gerard palming him.


Frank Iero was at a football game. He didn't care for the football players, none of them were even anywhere near the hotness of his boyfriend. So, he just settled next to Pete so his friend could look for a new sort of boyfriend.

"No one is as adorable as Patrick is. Fuck this shit," Pete sighed. The game hadn't even started, well Frank didn't know. He didn't know shit about football. Who actually did? Like the fucking football team sucked. The players didn't know shit about football either because they always seemed to get their asses whooped.

"Look, it's Mikey and Ray," Frank pointed. The couple were a few rows down.

"Don't remind me of their perfect relationship." Pete was in a dramatic mood. He was ready for drama club to start and he was ready to see Patrick again. But that wouldn't happen till this weekend.

"Whatever..." Frank went to sit next to Ray and Mikey. "Where's Gee?"

"He's with my dad... My dad insisted on a father-son talk. You know Gerard is like grounded for life after this one..." Mikey sighed.

"Well, sneaking around is always fun," Frank shrugged. He laughed to himself. A year ago, he would've never snuck behind his parents' backs. Now, he couldn't help it. He missed his boyfriend too much to not sneak out and meet him.

"Good luck with that. My parents found out he was sneaking off. They nailed his window shut."

"He's a nineteen year old boy, not a fifteen year old girl... He's not gonna get pregnant..."

"My parents are super homophobic."

"Same," Ray and Frank said together.

"Also, my backseat is not for yours and Gerard's 'soda spilling' accidents! Don't do it again in my car... At least fucking use a seat cover if you have to," Mikey sighed.

"You have seat covers?" Ray asked.

"Yeah. I don't want my black seats getting jizz on them," Mikey glared at Frank, who was giggling.


Gerard Way was fucking annoyed. He hadn't been this annoyed since Frank didn't want to fuck him when they first met. It wasn't a raging boner, but his raging father that was annoying him.

"I don't understand. Why don't you date that Ballato girl?"

"I like Frank."

"What about Jamia Nestor? She's kind of pretty..."

"I like Frank!"

"Girls are beautiful and you can treat them like shit... It doesn't matter as long as you have money!" Gerard was hating his father even more because of that comment. "Men don't actually want you. Once you realize this is a stupid phase, or act of rebellion against me, you'll be happy to be dating girls."

"I love Frank. I'm gonna marry him. This is not a fucking phase. It's not an act of rebellion. I love him. I'm in love with him, asshole. I don't want a loveless marriage like you and Mom."

"I love your mother."

"You know what, old man? I'm fucking done. I'm moving out."

"No you're not."

"Yeah. I am. I'm gonna move out. Bye." Gerard left the room, going upstairs and grabbing his packed duffle bag. He knew he was gonna need to do this sooner or later. He was hoping for later, but there he was

"That's my car. I paid for it." Mr. Way was trying to make Gerard stay.

"No. I left the ten thousand on the table. I drained my college fund. I bought an apartment. I have a job at Kmart. I don't need you anymore," Gerard said, laughing to himself. His father fell silent as he tried to find something to say.



Damn. Gerard. You know if you ever wanna move out, just work at Kmart, your problems are solved. (Don't take my advice I'm jobless)


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