23. Frank Wants to Fuck Up Elsa, but NOT in the Sexual Way at All!

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It was really difficult for Frank to go home because of his parents fighting. So he spent a lot of time with Gerard's family. Who, like Frank, wanted Gerard to go to college.

"Why do you side with them?" Gerard finally asked.

"Because I want you to have money when you get older..."

"I'm happy though. I'm happy staying with you. It'll be hell if I'm not with you," Gerard sighed. Gerard had become a lot more flamboyant since meeting Frank, that much was evident. Even his sassiness had leveled up, but Gerard wouldn't put it like that. His life wasn't a Mario level he needed to beat to achieve extra sassiness and save Princess Frank from fuck boys like Brendon Urie and even himself sometimes.

"I know... I'm sorry... Can I make it up to you?" Frank asked, kissing down Gerard's clothed chest. Gerard pushed Frank away, even though he really wanted him to go down furthur. "What's wrong? You never push me away."

"I just... I hate my dad. You know this. Please... Don't side with them next time... I want to be with you. I want to be here for Mikey. That kid is so helpless without me."

"I'm pretty sure Mikey could go on his own, Gee."

"I didn't mean it like that. I meant to say that he probably would go crazy here. With Ray being here, it's not so bad. With you here, they're good to us. But when you guys aren't here, Mikey and I are treated like dirt. My dad thinks we are both fucking gay! Like I'm gay as shit for you, but Mikey's only bi and I see it hurts him every time my dad says something about it."

"Okay. I'm sorry, Gee. I didn't know... I love you..." Frank kissed Gerard's cheek, hugging his neck.

"I love you, too."


"Babysit they say! It'll be fun they say!" Frank was going out of his mind. He hated what he was doing. He wasn't with Gerard and he had three kids with him, watching fucking Frozen. Yes, ladies, gentlemen, and nonbinaries, fucking Frozen was on Frank's family TV.

Frank was certain that if the little girls wanted to watch the movie one more time, he'd put the disk in the garbage disposal. He also knew that the next time one of the kids sang "Let It Go" he was going to fucking snap.

"I'm going to fucking let that movie go off the side of a cliff," Frank murmured. Being paid three bucks an hour was not enough money. Thankfully, Gerard saved him from having another session of Frozen related topics. "Hi!" Frank kissed Gerard as his boyfriend came inside the home.

"Who is that, Frankie?" Jenna, Frank's mom's coworker's daughter, asked. Jenna was nine who looked liked a fucking thirteen year old because of the amount of makeup she wore, even though she was fucking nine years old.

"Someone very important. His name is Gerard."

"He's cute." She giggled up at Gerard, making him a little uncomfortable.

"He's like ten years older than you and he's taken, sweetheart," Frank boopped the child's nose, patronizing her.

"You babysit?" Gerard asked.


"Since when?"

"Since my mom decided. Which was about three hours ago..."

"Oh. I came here to blow you," Gerard shrugged.

"That's all?" Frank pretended to be offended. "Maybe you'd want to watch Elsa have a mental breakdown."

"I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a spork." Frank giggled, kissing Gerard. The other little girls decided to use Frank and Gerard as their dress up dolls.

"Can we use your mom's makeup?"


"Great! I knew she'd understand," Jenna giggled. Frank was really tired of the little brats.

"I'm glad I'm gay. I wouldn't be able to handle a girl," Frank said.

"I'm glad you're gay, too. Otherwise, I wouldn't have such an amazing boyfriend."

"You are so cheesy." Frank kissed Gerard before the girls came in and decided to smear makeup all over their faces. It was Frozen 'inspired' makeup, which was actually blue eyes shadows all over the boys' faces.

Gerard looked halfway decent, being able to pull off anything, in Frank's opinion. Frank thought he looked like garbage, hating the way the lipstick looked on him. He preferred his style of makeup, no matter how emo even if he was the number twentieth most emo in the school. "Well, Elsas?" Jenna demanded.

"It's great!" Frank rolled his eyes at the blonde girl. Jenna was getting mad at Frank. She didn't like that he hated Frozen! (LIKE WHO HATED FROZEN?!) She was mad because Gerard was taken by Frank. She was also mad because she was nine, going on ten and Gerard was like eighteen going on nineteen! Like life was so unfair!

"I think it looks great, asshole!" Jenna swore. She felt heat rush to her cheeks as the two stared at her.

"I'm telling your mom."

"She'll think you're a liar."

"Whatever. You're mad that I have a boyfriend and you'll be alone for five-ever!"

"That doesn't make sense! It's forever!"

"Five-ever is longer than forever, Jenna!" Frank said. Honestly, he couldn't believe he was fighting with a nine year old, but whatever.

"Frank, she's like five," Gerard said, trying to calm down his boyfriend. He held Frank's hand, making sure Jenna saw. He also kissed his cheek. Pissing off the kid was kind of funny to Gerard.

"I'm nine!" Jenna was really, really mad! She started to throw a tantrum. She started to wreck Frank's room. She threw the record player Frank had, smashing it. She threw his records, stomping on them. She even broke his new guitar that Gerard had got for him.

Gerard Way was horrified with the little girl's actions. He was angry. He didn't know anyone could be such a brat! Especially a girl who looked like she was thirteen rather than nine. "Hey!" He yelled, making Jenna drop the DVD in her hand.

Frank was in tears, picking up his collection of broken things. His favorite records and the guitar were all broken. He was more upset than angry. He had spent years looking for all the records and it took the nine year old a matter of minutes to destroy his hobby.

"I..." Jenna didn't have words. She only saw that a really hot, nineteen year old was mad and a seventeen year old was crying over some broken, oversized CDs.

"I'm calling your mother," Gerard threw the girls out of the room and called the emergency numbers on the fridge. Frank was still looking at his broken possesions. The makeup had been washed off with tears. Gerard had wiped his off and was helping Frank pick up after the phone call.

Jenna was in deep shit. She had just cost her mom over a thousand dollars to replace all of the oversized CDs.

"It's just stupid CDs. He can buy more!"

"No! They're records! They're fucking different. They're more expensive!"

"Frank is a jerk. He said Elsa was stupid!"

"Jesus, you're in trouble!"

Frank was at his home, still shocked and upset. His entire hobby was ruined by a little nine year old. "Baby, you okay?" Gerard asked.

"She wrecked it. She messed up my stuff... Even my guitar!" Frank sobbed.

"I'll buy you more stuff! Okay?"

"Gerard, no. You've spent enough on me."

"I haven't spent enough. I want you happy, and if it costs a fortune then I guess I'll happily waste every penny."

"I hate you," Frank sighed, not actually meaning it.

"I love you, too."



I really really hate Frozen a lot too. We were watching it the other day (instead of fucking BH6, like I wanted) Maybe I'm just biased against it??? Idk I just fucking hate this movie

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