14. Where Ray Fucking Dies Internally Because He Has a Date

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Pete Wentz had ran out of eyeliner. And when he ran out of eyeliner, Patrick Stump had to be the one to buy him more. Yeah, Pete could've totally bought it on his own, but Patrick was his sort of boyfriend and that's the only thing Pete Wentz deemed Patrick worthy of anymore.

The two's relationship had fallen apart after Pete had fucked Mikey. Pete was reluctant to say if he was drunk or not. And since Patrick was feeling so hurt, he fucked Gerard. That obviously didn't fix the relationship. But the two sort of boyfriends wouldn't take back those nights because being fucked by the Way brothers was so fucking amazing.

"What color do you want?" Patrick asked as they walked into the makeup store. Pete hated the selection of makeup in this town. He'd rather have a Sephora.

"Obviously black!"

"Racoon eyes," Patrick murmured, knowing he was going to spend at least thirty dollars on eyeliner that'd be gone in three days.

"I heard that." Patrick rolled his eyes.

"I can't believe you ran like a bitch from Mikey."

"You fucking ran like your life depended on it, too. Don't tell me you did want to get fucked up by Gerard Way."

"Maybe I wanted to."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"And you're a fucking saint..."

"Okay. Yeah. You're right. I'm sorry. Can I get that one?" Pete asked. Patrick nodded. No matter how fucked up their relationship was, they still liked each other a lot. The two checked out, Patrick spending sixty dollars on the two eyeliner pens.

"Guyliner?" The guy at check out asked.

"Yes." Pete stiffened at the cashier's snort.


"Do you know anyone who wants to fuck me?" Mikey asked at lunch.

"Uh..." Frank avoided looking at Ray.

"You know someone... Someone I haven't?"

"No. I don't. I know someone who... uh... really likes you..." Frank said. Mikey was already done with the subject. "He's a really nice guy. You just need to get to know him outside of the bedroom... Please, Mikey?"

"Who?" Mikey asked.

"Ray Toro," the two sat at their table, yes their table. Since Frank and Gerard became a thing, it was Frank, Mikey, and Gerard's table.

"Hey baby," Gerard smiled, sitting next to Frank. "Hey Mikey."

"You have biology right now... Why are you here?" Frank asked.

"Not happy to see me?" Gerard fake pouted. Frank shook his head, kissing Gerard gingerly. "Mmm... Frankie," Gerard murmured into the kiss, making Frank blush.

"Gerard, we're in public," Frank gestured towards Mikey and the cafeteria.

"I don't give a damn. If you wanted me to, I'd fuck you on this table."

"And now I'm gonna go throw up my lunch. Thanks, big brother!" Mikey sarcastically sighed. Gerard rolled his eyes, kissing Frank's neck.

"Gerard, seriously."

"Okay. I'm sorry. I just like to kiss you a lot," Gerard shrugged, holding Frank's hand. Frank began to pick at his salad, not finding anything else appetizing. "Why aren't you eating?"

"Everything here is gross," Frank shrugged, trying to choke down the lettuce.

"I'll bring you lunch tomorrow. We can go out."

"You don't have lunch with me."

"Yeah I do. I switched biology class for this lunch hour," Gerard kissed Frank softly.

"You guys are so cheesy," Mikey rolled his eyes. Frank giggled and pecked Gerard's cheek.

"Anyway, Ray Toro is super into you," Frank said.

"But... I dunno."

"You never gave him a chance," Frank insisted. He really wanted Ray to be happy and to be with Mikey, but the Way brother was being a total jackass. "He likes you a lot."

"Fine. I will text him to meet up later."

"Not to fuck... To actually talk and go out... Okay, Mikey?" Frank asked. Mikey reluctantly nodded.


Ray Toro was fucking nervous. He'd only been on like four dates, but that was before Mikey Way had fucked him. He was trying to maintain his afro, but gave up. It was Mikey Fucking Way. He would never look good enough for him.

Mikey Way was fucking nervous. Maybe more nervous than Ray. Mikey had never been on a date, and he never thought he would date. But he took a good look at Ray, being sober in school, and decided that Ray wasn't too bad.

"Hey..." Mikey smiled at Ray as they met up.

"Hi..." Ray said, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Um... I'm not here to like... fuck..."

"What?" Ray asked, surprised.

"Yeah. Frank suggested I start dating... so, um... I guess let's not make this weird. What's been up?" Ray could've shouted a million things, such as his love for Star Wars or how he really wanted to watch The Hobbit again.

"Nothing really. My dad's been away recently."

"My dad like lives across the country."

"Your are parents divorced?"

"No. He's just some lawyer who doesn't give a shit about us." And that's kind of how the conversation went on. They talked about their shitty parents and how they wished they would grow up. Obviously, they didn't go into the most detail. They just said the minimum for the other to understand. Then, they began to talk about Star Wars because, yes, Mikey Way and Ray Toro were massive Star Wars geeks.

And Mikey was pretty intrigued with Ray Toro. He liked him better when he was sober.

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