4. Partying is Better Than Dealing With Your Problems

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Gerard Way was listening to his mother talk about his need for stronger medication to his father over the phone. He didn't like being talked about like he wasn't there. Mikey had left a while ago to go shopping by himself. Gerard knew that he was going shopping for a new bass. His younger brother had been wanting one because the one he had now was six years old.

"I know. But he's been skipping school. He doesn't stay at home. You need to see him. He needs stronger medicine. He might... You know what he might do," Mrs. Way said into the phone. Gerard knew exactly what she meant.

Three years ago, Gerard Way had been in a place that wasn't so great. And he didn't like himself, not that Gerard liked himself now. But Gerard felt like no one wanted him, even though everyone around him wanted to get into his pants. He wanted an actual relationship with someone, like he still wanted. But, his thoughts had taken him too far and it was three in the morning. Gerard had tried to commit suicide. Obviously, he came out okay. But he did have a large scar on his thigh.

Mikey was the one to find him, which still made Gerard feel like shit. His mother didn't wake up, his brother did. His little brother, who was only in seventh grade. Gerard knew that his younger brother was scared that he'd wake up and find him dead. But Gerard was determined to never let that happen.

"I know... But... You're never home..." Gerard rolled his eyes at his mother's comment. Of course his father wasn't home. Being a high class lawyer was better than being in this town with his suicidal and sexually active sons. "Please... Gerard is... He's not-"

"Shut up!" Gerard shouted, making his mother jump. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" His mother looked very shocked by his outburst. Gerard was angry.

"Please, Gerard..."

"No. I'm tired of you talking to that asshole about me. He doesn't care. Otherwise he'd be here!" Gerard grabbed his jacket and his car keys.

"Gerard, wait!" Gerard slammed the door to the garage before she could chase him. He left the large home, backing over a garden nome by mistake. Gerard didn't care. He just wanted to find a way to get rid of the thoughts he had in his mind. And there was one way he knew how to do that: party.


Frank Iero was at the nearby music store, looking at CDs. He hadn't bought new ones in a while. He saw Mikey Way, but didn't say hi. The Way brother was looking at basses.

"You're the kid from my science class... Frank... Right?" Frank jumped as he heard his name. He turned to see Mikey Way close to him.

"Uh... Yeah..."

"Wanna go to a party tonight?" Mikey asked. Frank was caught off guard, but he shrugged. His parents would've probably enjoyed the idea of their son making friends at a party.

"I might be busy." Mikey snorted at his reply.

"Whatever. There's a party at Patrick Stump's place. I'll message you the address on Facebook."

"You don't have my Facebook."

"I already found you. We don't have to be friends. I just want you to come," Mikey winked at the smaller boy. Frank nodded, creeped out by how straight forward the boy was.

Sure enough, twenty minutes later, Frank got a message telling him where Patrick Stump lived and what time to be there. Frank didn't want to go to the party until he got home, to see his parents fighting.

The Iero family had their issues. But no one fought like Frank's parents. The married couple threw things at each other and, on one occasion, it turned very physical. Frank didn't understand why they fought, it was just a factor of his life. His parents fought over money, him, the color of the wallpaper. Whatever it was, Frank knew it was stupid.

WaysexualOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora