Captain America

466 17 5

Shawn's POV

I heard intel that Red Skull is working on a nuclear bomb in a very far warehouse just outside of Coast City.

"What's up?" I hear Wonder Woman's voice.

"You scared me L," I whisper.

"Sorry Captain, ready to go?"

"Yes let's go Wonder Woman," I whisper.

We starts sneaking up to the roof entrance. She helps me up and I silently thank her. We found the small entrance hatchet. Me and Wonder Woman work together to break it open.

"Go in," She whispers.

I nod and go down the hatchet. I land perfectly and look around. It's clear for now and soon I see Lauren come down. I look at her and she nods. We see a door entrance with one guy guarding another door down the hall.

"Ok here's what we're gonna do," Lauren whispers.

I lean in to hear her.

"I'm gonna get into this air vent which should lead to the one right above him," She whispers, "I'll create a distraction and right before he reaches out for his walkie-talkie you knock him out cold."

"Ok got it," I whisper.

Lauren opens the air way and soon disappears in. I wait for her go before I start sneaking up on the guy. She comes down and I jab him on the back of the neck and he gets knocked out cold.

"Good job," Lauren smiles at me proudly.

"Ok so what do we do now?"

"Listen in we can't go in there fighting them there's to many," Lauren whispers.

I nod and she presses her ear against the door. She hears in and I try to know what they are saying.

"No," Lauren whispers.


"Your too young and these things are horrible for you to hear," Lauren whispers.

I frown but she keeps her serious face.

"Now let's engage," We hear.

I look at Lauren fearfully and she grabs me.

"I saw a quick way out come on."

Once we get out I sigh.

"No time for relaxing," Lauren says.

She grabs her rope taking us to the roof of a building and landing us on the other side.

"Ok were good for now, keep an eye out and if you figure something out tell me," Lauren says.

"Yes ma'am," I whisper.

"Look Shawn we might be cousins and I love you but when it comes to this we have to be serious, ok?"

"Yeah Lauren I know," I whisper.

Lauren wraps her arms around me hugging me. My arms wrap around her shoulders making me smile.

"Stay safe little cousin," She whispers.

"I'm taller than you," I laugh.

"Your younger," She sticks her tongue out and I laugh.

"Ok I have to go," Lauren smiles.

"Why?" I smirk.

"Got to see if Mani wants to have lunch together," She says.

"Hm yeah sure I saw the news."


"Nothing don't worry cousin," I smile.

"Alright youngster," Lauren looks at me curiously.

"Up, up and away Wonder Woman," I tease and she laughs.

"Captain America," She bows.

"Wonder Woman," I salute.

As in one blink of an eye she disappears. I smile to myself.

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