America Saves Life's

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Shawn's POV

I groan at the pain of the gunshot. Zayn got the bullet out and bandaged me up.

"Shawn!" I hear Ally come in.

"Yes?" I groan out.

"Lauren needs you," She says.

"Why?" I asked, panicking little by little.

"Listen," Ally says putting my earpiece on.


"Chin up Wonder Woman," I hear a familiar voice.

"Ares bring her little, love of her life over here."

"Yes sir," I hear Ares.

There's muffling in the background for a couple of minutes.

"Get your fucking hands off of me you pig," I hear Camila.

I groan as voices keep going off and on in my earpiece.

"I have to go," I groan.

"You're wounded."

"Ally, Lauren needs me," I whisper.

Ally comes over and kisses my lips. One of my hands goes up kissing her back.

"Go get em tiger."

"Listen Wonder Woman or should I call you Lauren, protecting her, didn't work out and your little buddy Captain America won't come for you he's wounded which is exactly what I wanted so I could end your little useless life and the left over love you have for this slut," Red Skull says.

I look over at my suit determined to ruin his life along with Ares.


I look over the warehouse as it's crawling with enemies. I groan clutching my wound.

"Hey," I hear beside me and I jump.

"Jesus Liam," I whisper.

"Are we gonna do this or not?" He says.

"Yes, Green Goblin," I roll my eyes and he smiles.

He gets on his hover board and covers his face.

"Let's go," He says, "Captain America..."


"Ugh!" The guy I knocked out goes down.

We are inside the warehouse taking down every guy that's in our way. Also every once in a while we place hidden bombs to when we get Lauren and Camila out of here.

Once we know it's clear me and Liam hide. I look up through the window hearing a hard hits to then someone spitting out, probably blood. I clutch my wound and look at Liam.

"Okay I'm gonna attack from above and you attack from the front," I whisper.

"Yes sir," He jokes and I roll my eyes.

I find an air vent and go inside. I follow the noises, to lead me towards the right room. I hear the talking right below me and I take deep breaths. I lift my fist, clutching.

Lauren's POV

I take the hits as I spit out blood.

"Should we let the fun begin?" Austin says.

"You won't go far," I cough blood out.

He looks at me then towards Camila who's just watering down tears.

"Maybe not with you," He says, grabbing Camila by the chin making her stand up.

He roughly kisses her neck and I feel fury running all throughout my body. I hear the air vent pop open and someone knocks out Ares by a punch. The door to the room opens and I see Green Goblin, or Liam.

Austin quickly turns into Red Skull knocking down Liam from his hover board. Shawn swiftly grabs his shield throwing it at Austin, hitting him hard on the side of the head. Shawn drop kicks him making him fall face-first.

Shawn carefully picks Camila up and she hugs him tight breaking my heart. Shawn looks at me and I motion to the chains.

"I got it," Liam says.

He grabs the keys to the lock and unlocks it. I free my hands and Camila immediately hugs me.

"We have to get her out of here," I direct towards Shawn.

"Not like that," He points to my outfit.

"There," I point towards a glass container, "It's bullet proof."

"But is it bomb proof," Liam smiles holding up one.

I back Camila up and he detonates it throwing it to the glass container. It goes off and we all cover ourselves, me covering Camila with my own body.

I look up and see it worked. I walk over and immediately change into my Wonder Woman outfit.

"They're gone," Shawn says looking at the floor where Ares and Austin were.

"Charlie," Liam mumbles.

"What?" Me and Shawn ask looking at him.

"Ares.." He whispered.

"Hostiles!" Shawn says.

Let the fight begin....

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