On My Own

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Camila's POV

I see a bright flash of light once they take the sack off my head.

"Hmm, such a beautiful young lady," I hear.

My eyes go to the well dressed two men.

"Fucking pigs," I whisper.

"Listen," One of them slightly bend down beside me, "We don't want to hurt you, we just want you to lead Wonder Woman over here so we can destroy her."

"I have nothing to do with her," I mumble, anger fuming through me.

He laughs evilly, "Please we know what's happening between you two."

"Nothings happening!" I hiss and he steps back laughing.

"Feisty huh?" He says gripping my chin.

His lips roughly kiss mine and I pull away hitting his head with mine.

"Ah!" He hisses, as blood starts pouring from the bridge of his nose.

"Fucking woman," He hisses.

"We just want Wonder Woman," The other speaks.

"Who the fuck are you? I forgot you we're there," I said.

"She thinks she's tuff Austin," He says to this Austin guy.

"Yeah Peepsqueek thanks for saying my fucking name," Austin says.

"Awww, what a cute name," I tease, rolling my eyes.

"Listen, Camila," Austin comes over to me bending slightly to meet my eyes.

"What do you want from me?" I ask.

"Wonder Woman."

"And Captain America," The other guy says.

"Okay, first of all I have nothing to do with Wonder Woman, and second if I knew where they were I wouldn't say," I smile.

"What if I took you on a date? And let me tell you I wouldn't leave you hanging like Lauren did," He smiles.

"How do you know Lauren?" I start panicking.

"Well," Austin circles behind me, "I had some of my men under cover where you work."

I immediately remember why Lauren was always at work with me. To protect me. I bite my lip looking down. Then I remember I have the gun she gave me in my handbag.

"Alright take me on a date, and I'll help you catch Wonder Woman," I smile.

He stands in front of me and nods.

"Alright see you tomorrow."

"No, tonight I want it tonight," I said.

"Oh alright," Austin says.

His men untie me from the chair and I stand up, smiling up at him.


I interlock our hands and stop.

"My handbag?" I said.

His man comes and hands it to him. I try to reach for it but he moves it away from me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

He just stares at me and I start panicking, thinking of all worse scenarios. I feel his lips kiss mine and I sigh of relief but immediately wanna just kick him in the balls and escape.

"Here," He whispers.

I take my bag and smile at him. We walk out to his car and I reach into my bag. I grab the gun without him noticing. I turn off the safety switch. I aim at his head and pull the trigger but since I haven't shot a gun ever in my entire life, it misses and hits his shoulder instead.

"Ah!" He hisses putting pressure on the gunshot.

I take my heels off and start running for it. I make it pretty far but he grabs me throwing to the floor.

"Fucking bitch," Austin hisses.

His men grab me and take me back inside. They tie me back up and I groan. He comes in shirtless but bandaged up.

"Well, I guess Wonder Woman didn't teach you how to shoot huh?" He whispers close to my lips.

He grips my chin and starts roughly kissing me. I whine trying to get out of his grip. He bites the base of my throat and I let out a painful groan. Austin kisses my lips this time, biting my lower lip. He pulls away chuckling.

Austin walks away with the other guy leaving me alone in this small, hot ass room. I lick my lips tasting blood.

"Please, Lauren, I need you baby," I whisper, feeling a tear roll down.

"I love you Lolo..."

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