Chapter 28 | Surprise, Surprise II

Start from the beginning

Sierra Lannister

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Sierra Lannister

Sierra Lannister

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Alicia Cruze

Alicia Cruze

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Shelby Berry


Semaj's POV

"Melanie Harris," the physical therapist said as she held out her hand for me to shake. I did and returned the warm smile I was given. I was supposed to meet with her a little over a week ago but being that it was our first weekend with Mimi I had decided to reschedule.

I pointed to her hair. "I love the blonde."

"Oh, thank you. It's straight out of the box," she chuckled and reached to close the top of the laptop that was in front of her.

"Really? And you did it yourself?" She nodded, and I was impressed. "That's a really good job."

"Thanks. It's better than paying seventy or eighty for a dye job here in L.A. Who did yours?"

"Oh, I paid to get it down this way. I had a lighter blonde in it, but after a while it started to get old. I needed something new, but I didn't want to be entirely black, so this was the next closest thing. My man likes it blonde though."

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