Hotel Dramatic

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Skyler's POV

It was 10:30 pm when I arrived at the hotel in Jacksonville and I am exhausted! Driving for 3 hours straight when you had barely any sleep the night before is not a good idea, nononooo.

I grabbed my Adidas sweatshirt from the passenger seat and pulled it over my head. It was starting to get pretty cold, I mean it is mid November! Getting out of the car I grabbed the case out of the trunk and started to walk into the hotel and up to the front desk where I was greeted by a middle aged man probably in his late 30's. He had blonde hair that was slicked back with what looked like 6 bottles of hair gel. He also had a sleazy little moustache which made him look even stranger if possible, despite looking so odd he was very tall with large muscles "Hey sugar plum, what can I do for you?"

Sugar? Plum?

Wow. Just wow.

His voice was nasally, like he had severely blocked sinuses and he gave me a strange smile.

"Uh, yeah" I blinked, snapping myself out of it in case he mistook my shocked staring for lust, Christ can you imagine. "I have a booking under McMahon."

He continued to look at me as he tapped on his computer, I'm not sure how he can see what the hell he's doing but now I'm more concerned as he's not only staring at me but licking his lips too. The guy looks like a freakin hungry wolf.

"Hm." he mumbled and nodded "Systems down."

"What's your name pretty?"

"Skyler." I bluntly said.

"Tell me, are you sharing your room with anyone tonight – or is it just you, by yourself, all alone?"

I thought about what to say for a minute till an idea came into my head.

"I booked it for myself but my boyfriend surprised me, he's here too now, I'm travelling for work. My boyfriend should be in any minute." I said happily. Quite convincingly if I do say so myself. I'm not a skilled liar at all, I deserve a medal for this.

"I see, well I can't do much for now as the systems down so here's what I suggest we do, alright? Forget what you said about a having a boyfriend and you can come and bunk in with me."

Greasy haired blonde weasel say WHAT?

He then grabbed my wrist that was on the counter of the front desk.

"Hey let me go you pervert!" I shouted as my heart started to pound. I may be a wrestler but when I'm alone in a small hotel and a man has a hold of me, I don't do so good, the ring is where I shine, with all the lights and the fans screaming. Plus there's no creeps there... usually.

I have a LOT of trust issues with guys but that's a story for another time.

He grabbed me tighter when I squirmed "There's enough space in my room for the both of us sweet cheeks, especially if I'm on top of  you." He winked.



I could feel my chest begin to tighten when I heard a deep, gruff voice behind me.

"I believe she told you to let her go."

It was definitely a man's voice and he sounded angry. The weird receptionist looked up with wide eyes as he let me go. I clung to my violated and sore wrist as the mystery man behind me spoke up again.

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