Chapter 20

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"Hey it's going to be hard but you'll see him. You two will make it through this" Lauryn said to Nancy as they sat in her parent's car. Jonathan, Will, Joyce and El had just departed their home here in Hawkins for a new home an hour outside of Hawkins.

Joyce felt the move was necessary for all the children. Hawkins wasn't the safest place and Lauryn couldn't blame her.

Things never really went back to being the same after the 4th.

The night of the attack:

Lauryn walked to Billy who was seated with Max at the edge of the ambulance truck.

"Can we talk?" Lauryn softly asked. Max gave a head shake to Billy that she was okay to be left alone.

"Yeah" Billy said following Lauryn a few feet away.

"Billy why did you want to cheat on me?" Lauryn asked. It's a question she's been dying to get answered.

"I wasn't thinking at the time" Billy responded back. "Look I know I messed up but can't we just go back to the way things use to be. I want you by my side all summer long"

Billy grabbed Lauryn's hands in his but she immediately pulled them away gently.

"I can't get what you did out of my head. How can I be with someone who was unfaithful to me. I need to think about it" Lauryn said walking away.

Billy stood there not knowing what to do in that moment. He was convinced the old Lauryn was never coming back.

"Hey you okay?" Steve asked.

Lauryn fell into his arms sobbing like a baby

"So speaking of boyfriends what's going to happen with you and Billy?" Nancy asked.

"I don't know. I told him we could talk after the summer ended" Lauryn explained. She wasn't very hopeful about getting together again.

"I heard he had a date every other night after the 4th of July" Lauryn said under her breath. It hurt to still talk about him, after all she still deeply cared and loved for him.

"I think that was a cry for your attention or to fill the void of missing you" Nancy said as she turned down Main Street. Since the mall closed and had to be rebuilt the stores were once again filled and business was booming.

Lauryn shrugged at Nancy's comment. She didn't know what to think these days.
The next morning Lauryn rose earlier to prepare for the first day of school. She grabbed a skirt, one not traditional to her wardrobe and a new t shirt her and Nancy picked up on one of their many shopping sprees.

She tied her back and headed downstairs.

"Good morning" she exclaimed as she popped a waffle into the toaster.

"Lauryn don't you think that's a little skimpy for school" her mother lectured. Lauryn twirled before her mother "it's the perfect first day of school outfit" she replied.

Her mother huffed at the attitude of Lauryn but Lauryn had promised herself she was going to stick up for herself this year.

"Troy lets go" Lauryn called as she bit into the waffle. The boy came sprinting down the stairs.

"Have a good first day" her mother sweetly said to the young boy while attempting to tuck in his shirt.

"Mom" Troy whined causing Lauryn to let out a giggle. She grabbed her bag and the keys to Steve's car which she had finally gained privileges to since Steve worked with their father.

"Bye" Lauryn sung as she danced out of the house, Troy following behind her.

"Don't ruin my car" Steve yelled out of the upstairs window.

"Yeah yeah" Lauryn replied not really listening to the protests and yells from Steve. She pushed the key in the ignition and turned the radio volume on high.

She then quickly reversed out of the driveway and to the school where she parked.

"First day of high school you excited?" Lauryn asked Troy who just ignored her question and sprinted into the school.

She shook her head, grabbed her backpack and headed inside. She made her way to her locker and was about to head to homeroom when a familiar voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Lauryn" the voice said. She turned around to see Billy. His hair had been cut since the last time she had seen him as it stood perfectly on his shoulders. His cologne was the same and was instantly bringing her back.

He leaned against the locker his white T-shirt showing off every muscle he had gained over the summer.

"Hi" was all Lauryn was able to say in that moment.

"I uh wanted to talk to you if you had a minute" Billy effortlessly said. Lauryn was confused, did she not make him nervous they way he made her.

"Yeah walk me to homeroom?" She asked. He shook his head okay and gave her the traditional Billy grin.

The two began walking but Billy wasted no time talking.

"I uh have a new girlfriend and thought you'd want to hear it from me first" Billy said. Lauryn's heart shattered into a million pieces.

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