Chapter 37

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Billy, Lauryn and Erica sat in the waiting room while Max and Lucas and were being attended to.

Lauryn's heel anxiously bounced up and down as she sat in the chair, still sniffling from the crying fest she had on the way here. Her head resting on Billy's chest which calmly rose and fell with each breath.

He was somehow calm and composed but deep down he was just as worried about Max as she rest of them.

"Where is she? Harrington!"Steve shouted as he rushed into the hospital. He was acting all frantic with the nurse at the station. "Harrington!" He shouted once more.

Lauryn stood up from her seat running over to him. Steve, Nancy, Robin and Dustin were shocked to see Lauryn alive and well.

"What? How? The fourth chime" Robin muttered off shocked.

"It was Max" Lauryn revealed. Her head hung low, guilt slowly coming back. "She... Jason came... she jumped in. The Walkman broke and... she died but then came back to life" Lauryn stammered as she tried to tell the others what happened. "Where's Eddie?" Lauryn asked noticing he wasn't with them.

The group remained quiet. Each exchange a look with each other. Dustin broke out into a soft cry, trying to conceal it.

"Laur... he was hero. He - died" Steve said. Lauryn looked shocked, stumbling backwards to an empty chair. Her hand holding up her head as she looked down at the floor.

"How?" Lauryn asked. Dustin was the only one who could speak on what happened. The group immediately looked at him.

"The bats. He did a great job. He didn't run away" Dustin cried.

"Family of Max Mayfield?" A doctor called out and everyone stood up from their chairs.

48 hours later...

"All packed?"

"Just about" Lauryn responded. Placing the last of her clothes in the box labeled clothing. She placed some tape over top the two flaps sealing it down.

"Good. We leave tomorrow" her mother reminded heading down the hall to see the progress Troy had made.

Lauryn and Troy were to finish the school year in Ohio with relatives on her mother's side. Steve was staying behind with their father. The argument was Steve had a job and was and adult. Lauryn and Troy were minors and therefore had no say in the matter.

It was officially announced that Lauryn's parents were divorcing. Her mother figured country club wasn't a thing anymore and decided it was best to leave Hawkins. It was really because there was no need to save face anymore.

Hawkins was cursed and people were leaving in droves. No one wanted to stay, at least not the ones who could afford to leave.

Lauryn looked at her bare room. She decided to head to the hill once more. She slipped on the shoes she had left out and began the walk.

The outside air was smoky, and felt dense. Lauryn observed all the abandoned houses.

Hawkins was truly never going to be the same. Not the same town it was before November 6, 1983.

She approached the hill and slowly climbed up it. On the other side revealed a look at Main Street and majority of Hawkins. Smoky flooded into the air from all sections. The traffic to leave could also be seen in the distance.

As Lauryn sat in the field, ash like snow began to fall from the sky. A dark ominous cloud began to settle over Hawkins, sparking bolts of red lighting and thunder began to rumble.

Lauryn looked behind her to find Hopper with Joyce. El, Will and Jonathan as well had made the journey back to Hawkins.

As Lauryn went to greet them a voice caused her to turn around.

"Join me, Lauryn!" Vecna said. Lauryn found herself back in the Upside Down.

"Is that Lauryn?" Nancy asked as they approached her. She was standing in the middle of the field her eyes rolled back. El curiously walked ahead of the group, gripping Lauryn's hands. She was ready to hit Vecna once and for all.

*this is the last update until the new season! Thanks for reading. If you have any ideas or general comments please let me know!!*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2022 ⏰

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