Chapter 4

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Lauryn woke up with the worst hangover ever, or what she expected to be the worst hangover ever as it was her first.

"Lauryn get up" Steve yelled. Lauryn frantically looked over to see the clock display 7:35. School started in 30 minutes. She wasn't going to be able to look presentable, walk to school and be on time.

She threw on the first sweater she could find from her closet and a pair of baggy jeans. Lauryn tried to hop over to the doorway while tying her sneakers but resulted in her tripping over her own foot.

Lauryn face planted on the floor as Steve walked by.

"Someone's hungover" Steve slyly commented as he leaned against the door frame.

"I just need a couple aspirins and I'll be fine" Lauryn muttered as she pushed her way off the carpet and downstairs. Once she had taken the medicine she began to frantically run around the house.

"Troy wake up we are going to be late" she yelled from the bottom of the stairs giving herself an even worse headache.

"I'm right here" the boy said. He was dressed and eating a bowl of cereal.

"Calm down Lauryn. I got him up and fed him. I'm driving to school so let's go" Steve said so causally. Lauryn felt like she had to be dreaming. No way was her brother, Steve Harrington, owning up to his responsibilities and taking care of things.

Troy brought his bowl to the sink and grabbed his backpack.

"C'mon Lauryn" Troy said pulling the young girl out of the house. Troy climbed into the backseat and Lauryn was about to follow when Steve spoke out.

"I'm not picking up Nancy" was all he said. Lauryn sat down in the coveted passenger seat as he pulled out of the driveway.

The drive to school was quiet but something Lauryn was cherishing. She wasn't too sure how long this would last. Steve pulled up and dropped off Troy before pulling into the parking lot.

"Thanks for the ride" Lauryn said as she got out of the car.

"Hey uh, do you remember our conversation in the car last night?" Steve asked nervously. Lauryn began to panic did she mention something about Tommy? Or say something about Nancy and him?

"No why? Did I say something embarrassing or something?" She asked.

"Oh, no you were just talking nonsense" Steve said before walking away towards the school with his hands in his pocket.

Lauryn headed start to Click's class not wanting to be late. She entered just as the last bell rang.

"Where were you?" Tammy whispered.

"Steve gave us a ride. He's in school I'm surprised he's not in class" Lauryn responded back.

Mrs.Click began to teach the lesson for the day but Lauryn had a hard time focusing. The thought of
what her conversation was about with Steve last night kept creeping into her mind.

"Did you have fun last night?" Tammy asked as Click's back was turned to the class.

"Yeah sleezy Tommy H was trying to get with me though. The new guy stepped in" Lauryn mentioned. Just then the bell rang.

Tammy and Lauryn quickly got up and exited the classroom.

"I'll see you later?" Tammy asked as she headed left. Lauryn shook her head yes walking to the right.

"Lauryn" a name called out. She turned around to see Nancy looking slightly baffled and embarrassed.

"Hey?" She responded.

"Did Steve mention why he didn't pick me up this morning. I waited like an hour but he didn't show" she explained.

"I have no clue last I remember we were in the kitchen and I think you spilt wine or juice on your shirt. It's all a blur after that" Lauryn explained truthfully.

"Well he took me home last night and-" Nancy continued.

"He didn't take you home. He took me home and apparently we had some conversation that he won't talk about" Lauryn interrupted. In that moment Nancy's face dropped. The memory of last night was slowly coming back to her.

"I think we broke up last night. Would you come with me to the gym, I want to take to him" she asked.

Lauryn looked around, for once Lauryn just wasn't feeling school, especially AP English. She headed to the gym with Nancy where she stood on the sidelines will Nancy and Steve talked outside.

Lauryn bored picked at her chipped nail polish when someone came up to her.

"You know I didn't save you from Tommy last night. He just needed to know who was boss" Billy said. He was shirtless once again with the smallest gym shorts on.

Lauryn tried to stop her eyes from wandering. "Well I still appreciate you doing whatever you did. Tommy's the grossest thing here" Lauryn said flashing a smile.

It was then Billy began to walk away but Lauryn without think stopped him in his tracks.

"I'm Lauryn by the way. Welcome to the shitty town of Hawkins" she said before making her way out of the gym. Billy sprinted after her handing her a small piece of paper.

Lauryn smiled and continued out of the gym before revealing what it was. The piece of paper had written on it "after school blue Camaro".

Her heart began to beat twice as fast, Lauryn internally jumping for joy.

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