Chapter 33

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The three of them pulled up to the decrepit looking Wheeler household. Billy immediately remembered back to the horrid mistake he had made. Lauryn could sense he was thinking about it. Eddie on the other hand was once again fascinated to see how the others lived.

"Come on" Lauryn muttered as the sky raged loudly, red bolts growing in size. The three walked up the driveway and to the front door. "Hello?" Lauryn called out to find the house empty.

Suddenly Nancy sprinted down the stairs, looking freaked out. "We have a problem" she said before sprinting back up. The three of them followed her with Lauryn leading the group. They walked into her room to find it extremely kiddish  and not at all an accurate representation of the current Nancy Wheeler. "My room. It's from the night Will went missing. In 1983"

"Our house was the same" Lauryn said looking at Steve. "There was no safe"

"Shit. We are totally fucked now right?" Eddie asked, panic began to set back in. "Right?"

"No, we are fucked. Nancy tell him we've got this" Robin said, trying to calm her anxiety as well. She looked around the room.

"We're in the past" Lauryn said looking at the others. Billy who has been listening to the conversation began to drift out of the room and down the hall.

"Do you hear that?" He asked slowly climbing down the stairs. Steve pushed past Billy into the kitchen screaming "Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin! Hello? Hel....Hello?"

He swung around in circles looking up at the ceiling.

"That's great. Steve's officially losing it. The rabies" Lauryn said looking to Robin who freaked out at the sound of rabies.

"Steve what are you doing?" Nancy asked. Steve swung around shining the flashlight in their faces.

"He's here. Henderson. That little shit, he's here. He's like... he's like in the walls or something. Just listen" Steve responded, breathing heavily from the screaming. Lauryn closed her eyes hearing the vague voices.

"I don't think he can hear you Steve" Lauryn urged as he tried shouting for Dustin's attention once more.

"So how do we get in contact with him?" Steve asked. Looking at the others for the answer. Nancy bit her lip like she normally did when she wanted to concentrate. Robin, watched Nancy as she shifted her gaze over to Steve momentarily. Lauryn could see it as well.

Nancy and Steve were once again fighting feelings they both thought they had subsided and forgotten about. Lauryn was doing the same. Being with Billy was once again exciting and comforting.

It also scared her. She couldn't handle anything bad happening. Not again. And it wasn't just a heartbreak but death, betrayal, abuse, all of it.

Lauryn fought so hard to leave behind her past. Push pass the ideals her parents had set in place for. She got rid of the crippling anxiety, stopped stressing about doing wrong, being worthless and finally made herself happy.

She was finally making a name for herself, and changing her future. Even if it was plastered with failure and regret down the road. She was doing it all on her own.

Billy was condescending, whether he realized it as times or not. Lauryn didn't want that control. She also couldn't stand the idea of not being with him.

Eddie was great. He was goofy, funny, caring and surprisingly smart, at least at D&D. Not to mention he was great with Dustin. He looked up to him so much, just like he did with Steve. Lauryn knew she'd be a fool to turn him away but when she kissed him at the boat house. A tiny glimpse of Billy appeared in his eye's and Lauryn couldn't shake the feeling. Billy was always the one.

"Hello? Earth to Lauryn? Do you know morse code?" Steve asked, waving his hand in front of his sister's face. She shook the thoughts out of her head coming back to reality.

"Dipshit, do I look like I know morse code?" Lauryn spat back annoyed Steve snapped her out of her trance. She looked at Billy with a soft smile before joining the others who were surrounding the small chandelier in the dining room.

"I know S.O.S" Eddie weakly muttered. Nancy urged him to go ahead and give it a shot. Eddie weakly moved his fingers back and forth out of the orb that surrounded the light. The motion caused the light to flicker with intense power before fading as he pulled it away.

Lauryn and the others nervously awaited answer from Dustin, hoping he would see the only gesture they could think of.

"Guys?" Dustin called out. The group let out a sigh of relief. They all hugged each other, but Lauryn wasn't quick to celebrate. She turned her back around to find a clock, plastered into the wall, chiming away.

"Walkman! Where's the Walkman?" Lauryn asked all panicked. She gripped her temples, trying to shake the vision of the clock away.

"Basement. Somewhere. I have music down there in a box too. I can help you-" Nancy rambled.

"Guys. Meet us in Nancy's bedroom" Dustin called out. Nancy looked at Lauryn confused on what to do next.

"I'll look myself. Go!" Lauryn shouted, ushering her upstairs. Lauryn ran to the opposite staircase, heading swiftly down them. She could hear a pair of footsteps following her. At the bottom of the staircase she looked up to find-

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