Chapter 17

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Nancy drove everyone to Hopper's cabin in the woods where El used her powers to find Lauryn.

El found herself once again in the void. Lauryn was propped on her bed seated. El slowly approached her grabbing her hand.

Lauryn's memories flooded El's. El seeing the car crash, the dragging into the basement, the creature taking possession and all the people she's flayed.

El falls through the void landing at her house in Hawkins. A young girl is on the lawn playing with Steve. The two laughing and having when a man comes out.

He yanks the girl by her wrist demanding she come inside and study. She's forced to clean and cook beside her mother while her brother gets to play. She's continuously lectured about clothing, grades, and such that her parents don't notice the panic attack she's having in the corner.

The girl cries herself to sleep. El ventures deeper into the cloud to find Brimbox Steel Works.

Mike tells her to get out and El tries but she's trapped in the flayer's vision. El finds herself alone in the cabin.

Lauryn appears in the corner.

"You let us in and now we can all see you" Lauryn said as she walks closer to El.

"We are building this army for you"

"Now you are going to die"

El quickly snapped out of this void, falling into Mike's arms.

"What happened?" Mike asked worried. El wiped her nose before sitting on the couch ready to recall the memories she saw.

"She was at home playing a boy. Her parents were mean" El explained. Nancy looked sad.

"It's Steve she's playing with. Her parents aren't the nicest to her"

"I saw an accident and the street works. She was flayed there"

Billy out of anger punches the wall.

"What's wrong?" Nancy asked. She wasn't close to Billy and hasn't interacted like this with him. She was unsure how to approach his angered self.

"I caused that accident. I let her get flayed. We had a fight and I just let this all happen" Billy said on the verge of tears.

Max looked sad. She had never seen Billy so upset before like this.

"Hey, do you guys hear that?" Nancy asked. The trees were rustling louder than she's ever heard before.

"It's just fireworks" Jonathan said.

"No it's knows we are here" Nancy said rushing outside. Everyone followed to see this monstrous glob coming there way.

"Oh my god" Billy said frozen in his spot.

"C'mon we have to prepare ourselves" Max said pulling Billy packed inside to barricade the windows and doors of the cabin. 

Nancy armed herself with a gun while Jonathan had an axe and Billy had a crowbar.

"Stay in the middle" Nancy called out.

The lights began to flicker. The only sounds made were the heavy breathing from everyone and the rumbling.

Cups and plates fell off the wall from the vibrations.

"Where'd it go?" Will asked as they all remained in a huddle. Silence

It was if the creature scurried off somewhere else. The roof broke and an arm reached in trying to grasp El in its grip.

The kids all jump back against the wall while Jonathan repeatedly hacks away at it with the axe.

Screams of terror fill the air as Jonathan is catapulted through the air. His body slamming against the wall.

Nancy fires the gun a few times catching the attention of the monster. She goes to reload but finds that the gun is empty and she's backed herself into a corner. Nancy braces herself for the worst.

El use her powers to move the arm the backwards and cuts the 'hand' off. It retreats back out of the hole only to reappear with twice the amount.

El struggles to maintain her power as she stands in the middle of the cabin. She uses the last of her powers to dismember the arms.

They all believe they are in the clear until an arm snakes from the roof and grabs El's ankle. She's catapulted into the arm and is clinging to the arms of Mike, Max and Jonathan as she's tugged both ways.

Billy and Lucas work together to hack at the arm chopping it off from the main body.

El collapses into Mike's arms, blood trickling down her nose.

She stands up and uses her powers to rip the creature in half. Nancy sees this has the perfect time to usher everyone out of the house and into the car.

Nancy speed off to the local grocery store.

Lauryn was now completely flayed having no control over her thoughts. She was at the abandoned factory waiting for their next move.

Once the mind flayer found that El was at the grocery store, Lauryn unwilling went. She arrived to broken glass and contents all over the aisle. She knelt down touching the blood on the floor, the flaying intensifying inside her.

Nancy and the rest of the gang had already made it to the mall at this point. Reuniting with the scoops troop.

"What is Billy doing here?" Steve asked.

"It's Lauryn" Nancy said biting her bottom lip. "We have suspicions that she's flayed controlling the monster"

"What monster? What about the Russians?" Steve asked.

"Russian?" Jonathan questioned.

El stepped away from the chaos as Lauryn used her mine flaying abilities to find her. Locating her at the Star Court Mall. Lauryn and the monster of flayed Hawkins citizens headed there for vengeance.

My Brother's Enemy • Billy Hargrove FanficWhere stories live. Discover now