Chapter 16

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"What's activated?" Billy repeatedly asked. The kids ignored him.

Lauryn bursts through the door breaking the chain. Billy begins to freak out even more.

El steps forward using using her powers to levitate Lauryn and push her against the wall. Lauryn struggles as she's unable to breath.

Billy pushes through the kids grabbing Lauryn at once. El stops using her powers as she's become drained.

As Billy cradles Lauryn the veins disappear and her skin returns to its normal color.

"It's gone" Will commented as he felt the back of his neck. Mike runs to El catching her as she falls from exhaustion.

"What sick game are you guys planning?" Billy asked. Max in that moment was more afraid of Billy than Lauryn as the mind flayer.

"Billy just hear us out. There's this demon inside of Lauryn" Max explained. She knew Billy wasn't going to believe her but it was worth a try.

"I'm taking her home" Billy said carrying the tired and bruised Lauryn to the car. Max and the others tried to stop him.

Suddenly Lauryn bursts back to life throwing herself out of Billy's arm and running towards the woods.

"It's back" Will said. The gang looked at each other.

"Billy take us to Mike's house" Max commanded. Billy did as he was told, dropping them off the Wheeler's residence before heading home.

He tried get sleeping but the thought of Lauryn, seeing her like that kept him up. He decided he wanted answers so he headed to the Wheeler's house in the morning. As he walked up the driveway he was met by Nancy and Jonathan.

"Billy?" Nancy questioned.

"I um came to talk to your brother" Billy said unsure of how to word it to her. He had his hands in his pockets and looked down at the driveway.

"Follow me" she said. Nancy could tell he felt uncomfortable or knew something. Jonathan and Nancy lead Billy to the basement door. Nancy jiggled the handle finding that it was locked.

She gave a few knocks being met with the screams of Mike.

"Not now mom" Mike yelled.

"It's Nancy" she yelled back. The sound of footsteps ran up the wooden stairs unlocking the door.

"Billy?" Mike questioned to see him standing with Nancy and Jonathan.

"He wanted to ask or talk to you about something" Nancy said unsure of what the subject matter was.

"We have problems. Big problems" mike said. They all gathered in the basement discussing the matter of the mind flayer.

"So you think Lauryn is flayed?" Nancy asked pacing.

"So is Heather" El commented. Nancy's eyes shot up, as if an idea or thought had suddenly clicked in her head.

"Heather, as in Heather Holloway" Nancy said looking at Jonathan. The two exchanged a look before simultaneously saying "Tom"

They all rushed out of the house piling into the car.

"Seatbelts" Nancy called out. She reversed out of the driveway heading to the Holloway's house. El forcefully opened the door when nobody answered Nancy's ring.

Nancy lead the gang through the house discovering the mass amount of chemicals in their kitchen.

"Do you think Lauryn eats chemicals?" Nancy asked.

"Did you eat chemicals?" Max asked Will. Will shook his head no.

"I mean if someone ate all of this they would be dead" Lucas commented.

"What if they are" Nancy said. The continued to span the house looking for more clues. It was then Nancy noticed the wine bottle with blood on it.

Her boss Tom had a cut on his head hidden by a bandage. Blood covered the carpet and lead to the garage where there were more signs of being tied and taken to a place.

"Mrs.Driscoll said she wanted to go back. This must be where the flaying is taking place" Nancy concluded from the findings.

"If she wants to go back let's let her. She'll lead us right to the hideout" Will mentioned. They all huddled back into the car.

As they drove over Billy looked to Max.

"You believe all of this?" He whispered. She shook her head yes. They entered the hospital hoping to slip by the front desk person.

"Hey where do you think you're going?" The nurse called out.

"We are her grandchildren" Nancy said.

"Extended" Lucas commented.

"You know the rule. Two people at a time" she said before continuing her conversation on the phone.

"Billy watch the kids" Nancy commanded as her Jonathan headed upstairs. Billy sighed plopping down in a seat.

He sighed dragging his hands down his face.

"So you love her?" Mike asked Billy. Billy turned his head confused as to why the child was talking to him in the first place.

"Yeah I do. I screwed up though, I was the biggest asshole to her" Billy said. He noticed Mike looking at the girl with short hair.

"You love her?" He asked back. Mike shook his head yes.

"Yeah but I screwed up too. I think we are broken up" he said. Billy laughed.

"You got to apologize and mean it" Billy said before moving to sit near Max. As Mike and El talked the lights began to flicker. Nancy and Jonathan all beaten and bruised ran out of the hospital with the kids following. This blob of guts and blood disappeared into the sewer.

On the opposite side of town Lauryn and Heather were in the basement of the factory. Watching over the people of Hawkins who have become a part of the monster.

The monster, the mixture of human remains returns to the basement in a glob, slowly forming back into its monstrous form.

"It's time" Lauryn said to Heather who shook her head yes.

My Brother's Enemy • Billy Hargrove FanficOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz