Chapter 27

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The following morning Lauryn and Eddie awoke to the static sound of Dustin yelling into the the walkie.

"Hello! Hello! It's urgent!" he shouted, the noise fading and crackling with each message. Lauryn looked up to find she and Eddie had fell asleep in the boat, her body nestled up next to him. She slowly got out of the boat, fixing her extremely messy bed head.

"Hello? Dustin?" Lauryn responded back, rubbing her eyes awake with her free hand. She pushed the messy and deflated curls out of her face once more.

"Where have you two been? We have a problem!" Dustin shouted into the walkie. Lauryn looked back at Eddie who was just now waking up. He got out of the boat, assuming the problem was about him.

"Sleeping like normal people. What's the problem?" Eddie asked taking over the walkie. Lauryn stood there with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Vecna's been causing his victims to have headaches and nose bleeds for about five days before he 'takes' them. Tell me Lauryn hasn't had consistent headaches"

Lauryn and Eddie exchanged a look with one another.

"Three days" Lauryn responded back.

"Shit! Fuck!" Dustin shouted. The two could hear Dustin arguing with the others in the background. Mostly Steve.

"I have 48 hours" Lauryn said looking Eddie, scared.

"Nancy and Robin are trying to find out more information. Just keep the walkie on you" Dustin instructed before clicking out. Lauryn paced around the boat house, scared of what was to come.

"Shit man. Shit!" Eddie said, pushing his mullet back.

"Does Rick have anything stashed in the house?" Lauryn asked causing Eddie to look up at her.


"Weed. Eddie. I need weed. I'm about to lose my goddamn mind" Lauryn said all panicked. The thought of being dead in 48 hours had just sank in for real.

"Woah, okay. Calm down. We can go look" Eddie said, slowly leaving the boathouse and heading inside the main house. They shuffled through the kitchen cupboards and drawers. It was completely clean.

"Look, just take a few deep breaths. You reassured me they have this" Eddie said, trying to remain calm himself.

"They don't. Okay. El isn't here which means they don't have this" Lauryn snapped. She looked around at the kitchen, trying to focus her mind on something else.

"Here let me cook us some lunch and then we can try looking for the weed again. Okay?" Eddie asked quickly pulling out a saucepan and the can of Spaghetti O's. He dropped the gelatinous gloop in the pan, cooking it down til it was hot. He then served the two of them.

Lauryn slowly ate the meal, her mind wandering off.

"How do I tell my parents?" Lauryn asked. "They didn't even get to say goodbye. Troy. Troy's going to be sad. Steve and I just started getting along" Lauryn muttered. Eddie just sat quietly at the table, listening to Lauryn rant away her feelings.

Later that evening as the sun began to set the two headed back to the boat house. Just as Lauryn had calmed down the sound of a vehicle door closing caused them both the jump up to the window. The car was one they both didn't recognize.

"Shit!" Eddie muttered looking around. He grabbed the walkie trying to get ahold of Dustin or anyone for that matter but no one responded.

Lauryn looked at the boat, afraid to suggest it. "Help me get this in the water" she whispered. Eddie and Lauryn slowly lowered the boat in the water, waiting for it to get darker out before setting sail on Lover's Lake.

"Look!" A voice shouted a few minutes later. The sun was practically gone and night had settled. Lauryn pushed the boat out of the boathouse.

"Paddle softly" Lauryn whispered as they slowly made there way away from shore. The water was shallow, Lauryn could see the bottom. With a few quick rows she looked back down again to see the end wasn't in view.

"Look, you can't tip this boat" Lauryn said as they nervously paddled away from the shore. She didn't have time to put a life vest on, not even take note of if there was even one.

"What?" Eddie quietly questioned.

"Don't tip the boat! I can't swim" Lauryn muttered the last part, it was barely audible to Eddie.

"You don't know how to swim?" Eddie asked in a hushed tone.

"No, okay. Just keep paddling!" Lauryn softly urged. Suddenly voices from the shoreline caught their attention.

"Hey, freak!" Jason shouted. Lauryn looked behind her to find Jason, Billy and a few other basketball players. They were dressed in suits which meant they came from Chrissy's funeral with revenge. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Shit!" Lauryn muttered, jumping up from her seat she tried to start the motorboat engine. "Paddle!" Lauryn shouted as the basketball team got in the water.

"Goddamnit!" Eddie yelled as he tried to row as fast as he could. Lauryn looked down at the water, paralyzing her with fear. The shallow end of a pool was safe, she knew where the bottom was. This for Lauryn was terrifying.

Eventually the group had caught up to them and Eddie and Lauryn had no where to go.

"Hey, stay back man" Eddie shouted as he coward behind Lauryn sticking his oar out. He swung it a few times back and forth rocking the boat.

"Eddie, stop rocking the boat!" Lauryn shouted, clinging to her hands on both sides.

"Patrick, come on" Billy shouted, wading in the lake next to Jason. He immediately noticed his weird stare out at nothing. "Hey, Patrick! Patrick!" Jason too shouted. Billy and Jason began to swim over to him when his body was flung under the water.

"Patrick? Hey, Patrick!" Jason and Billy both shouted, looking at the top of the water for him to float back up. Suddenly his body flung out of the water and into the air. Just like Chrissy's.

Eddie jumped up while Lauryn clung tightly to the boat still. Jason and Billy's focus on was Patrick who was floating in the air.

His bones snapped in unnatural ways making Eddie stumble backwards. The boat tipped, sending Lauryn and Eddie into the water.

Eddie came to the surface a few seconds later gasping for air. He looked around unable to find Lauryn.

"Lauryn?" He shouted, catching Billy's attention. "Lauryn". His hands swatted at the water but it was too dark to see anything. Billy quickly swam over, before diving under the water. Eddie did the same.

My Brother's Enemy • Billy Hargrove FanficWhere stories live. Discover now