Archangel-chapter 24

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The night slowly dreaded on, as the orchestra played strings and the way men and women were holding on to each other for the dances.

I was on my tenth person, when i felt like my legs were about to give up on me and let me go down hard.

The orchestra slowly finished off their song, and i pulled away from the forty year old man who was shorter than me. We clapped as the conductor bowed, and turned around getting ready for their next song.

"If you're ever needed to be seen about those teeth make sure to give me a call." He said handing me a card. I hesitantly took it, he smiled then left with a wink strutting off to another table.

I shuddered and crumbled the white card in my hand. That was probably the 6th time i got a card regarding for some appointment whether it was about teeth, or about my tense shoulders, or about the lines on my forehead. They're never going to stop.

"Excuse me ladies and gentlemen, i assume most of the dancers are tired and want to take a break so we will be taking a twenty minute break. In those twenty minutes people who want to see me about the paintings..." i zoned out of Mr. Shou talking after i heard that i can sit down and rest my aching feet.

Dreading back to my table i sat down with an ungrateful plump and tilted my head back. 


I didn't say anything,

"Russia!" She said this time singing it but i stilled ignored it

The sudden smell of melted chocolate flared into my nose and my eyes popped wide open.

"Pudding," I whispered holding out my hand towards Sam's cup of filled chocolate pudding.

Sam pulled the cup away from me, and tsked "This is what you get for ignoring me,"

"B-b-but...pudding," I said trying to get hold of Sam's pudding cup.

"Stop being so pathetic,"

I snapped my head up and saw Jose towering over me with two cups filled with chocolate goodness.

"Pudding!" I cried with joy getting my greedy little hands on it. Jose sighed and handed me the cup with the most filled pudding. 

"I love you," I said

"I felt like that was directed more to the pudding than it should've been directed to me," Jose said pulling a chair next to me.

I snapped out of my daze and smiled to Jose, and pinched his cheeks "Your the bestfriend in the whole world," I cooed then let go of his cheeks and my eyes were back to my pudding cup.

"Hey! You can't have a idiot as a bestfriend!" Sam yelled in protest,

"She has you doesn't she," Jose laughed then took a bite of his pudding.

Sam shot him a glare, "Did you pull that one out of your ass were your brain is or did you just hear someone say it?"

I laughed at that one, "That was good,"

Sam grinned, "I know, but nothing compared to my other work."

Jose didn't respond, and just kept on eating his pudding cup.

"So, how was your dances?" Sam asked eating her pudding cup

I groaned, and not cause of the pudding riling up my taste buds "I swear, some of these men are so grabby."

Sam snorted, "I actually had to knee someone to get their hands off my ass."

Jose shook his head and mumbled "poor bastard"

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