archangel-chapter 3

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You should be careful next time, earth girl

i turned around, i know i heard something i thought to myself. but nothing was there. Maybe i was just imagining things. 

The wind picked up and blew strands of hair in my face, i turned around and walked inside the house but as i walked in i swear i heard someone laughing behind me.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Jose Cruz as Ryan Sheckler

I walked into the big house, and walked to the living room, where i saw  Jose making his way down the spiral stairs. He put his finger to his lips motioning to stay quiet then pointing in the position of the kitchen. 

I nodded and walked to the kitchen and sat down on the kitchen counter picking at the grape that was on it.

Jose walked into the kitchen with a hand in his tousled  hair. 

"How is she?" i asked, putting a grape piece in my mouth, chewing it up while savoring the flavor. 

"She didn't break it, that's for sure. Its just a sprain, i gave her some medicine to help the pain and now shes sleeping up stairs." He said going to the fridge taking out a water bottle. Jose's mom is the head nurse at the local hospital, so Jose knows a few things here and there.

I swallowed the grape and picked out another one,

"So how've you been lately?"He asked taking a swing from the water bottle drinking half of it. 

i just shrugged and picked out another grape avoiding eye contact with Jose. But failed,  he walked to me and stood in front me,looking down at my thigh the one that had dried blood crusted on it. 

I quickly crossed my legs and hid the blood stain.

Jose set the water bottle to my side.i reached out to pick another grape when Jose took both my hand and flipped them over till you could see the palm. 

I saw the nail markings on my left hand and tried to tug away my left hand quickly but Jose had a grip that made iron look bad. 

His eyes wondered to my left hand and saw the crusted blood that outlined the cut itself. 

He looked up and looked in my eyes, "What happened?" he asked, i struggled out of Jose's grasp,

"Its nothing-"  

but he cut me off, "Don't lie to me Alex,"  his voice, steady as a beating drum

i sighed and lowered my hands to my lap, then Jose had let go of my wrists.

"Sandra, got me pissed off when we were home, and when i was sneaking away to come here, i bumped into Aylin and she made the final touches on making me snap. But instead of lashing out on her i hurt myself. Trying not to get in anymore trouble." i mumbled

Jose ran a hand through his hair and left his hand behind his neck. 

"God,Alex you might had at least punched her in the face for once!" i shrugged and picked on the last grape.

"Father is already mad at me for yelling at Sandra who made it seem i was the bad guy, and if i did beat the crap out of Aylin i would just get transferred to a boarding school or something and i wouldn't have a say in it what so ever."

i swallowed the grape and jumped off the counter, then i linked my arm with Jose's and dragged him in the living room plopping down on the couch. 

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