archangel-chapter 7

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I looked at him, trying to make up an excuse to tell him about what happened yesterday at the mall, but that's when my devil in disguese came screaming my name.Or my nickname...


"Oh boy," was all i could say until i was dragged into the buliding with Sam pulling my arm leading me.


"Sam, slow down!" i screamed at Sam.

She stopped in front of the lockers. Turning around looking at me. 

I haven't seen Sam since she sneaked into my house 2 days after Elena's funeral. Your probably thinking what kind of friend she is coming 2 days after when she should of been there with me every step, but honestly she's the greatest friend ever. She knew that i needed my space for a while. and why she sneaked in,well Sandra doesn't like her at all and knowing Sam she told her in Sandra's face that she doesn't like her either. So Sandra told father, and father as usually set some rules about hang out with Sam. i can never have her sleep over or sleep over at hers (but i have) i cant hang out with her on a weekend (Which i have) and i can't have her near Sandra (and i already did that too)

She still wore her favorite brand of Abby Dawn. [The money she gets from babysitting and fighting at the Fuz does her really well] She was wearing a black tank top with a red and black zebra print jacket with black skinny jeans. She still had that chunk of red hair by her face. Every month she changes her favorite color, and this month her favorite color is red, so everything has to be red.

"What the hell were you thinking?" She asked me throwing her arm up in the air.

Leave it to Sam, to get me confused on what she's talking about.

"What are you talking about Sam?" i asked walking past her getting to my locker.

Sam walked over to my side, "You know your going to be the target for every girl on campus now?"

i rolled my eyes, still not getting on what she's trying to tell me.

I reached my locker and started to dial in my pin. After i put in the combination and was about to pull on it, Sam pushed me and twisted the lock to another number messing up the combination.

i gave her a hard stare, but it doesn't work on Sam as much as it does on Jose.

"Ugh, Sam your such a baby sometimes"i mumbled at her, pushing her away from my locker.

"I'm trying to protect you Russia but your making it hard to do that." she said leaning on another locker. i put my back against her until i opened my locker.

"Try talking in sentences Sammy dear." i remarked getting my books for my first period class.

"You came in Liam Vaughn's car! Every girl is after him and his brother. And you just made yourself a human target."

i scoffed at her, "Sammy your crazy!"

i closed my locker and snapped the lock shut, then started to walk to 1st period.

"Fine when you have gum in your hair or if you feel something going down your shirt with hairy legs don't say that i didn't warn you." She told me turning around going to her first period class.

"See you later, Russia...If you survive." she commented over her shoulder.

i shook my head and walked to first period.

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