Archangel Chapter: 21

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The bright light that was hitting me made me surrender my sleep. Slowly fluttering my eyes, i saw a black mop of hair on the side of my bed. Licking my crack lips i raised my hand and ran it through the silky black hair trying to wake up who ever the person was. 

Instantly the black mop of hair shot his head up from the bed and looked at me with his gray eyes.

"Enjoy your sleep, Angel?" Lucas asked smiling

Thats when all of the memorise of last night hit me like a bag of bricks. 

My hand snapped right back to me and i inched away from Lucas going to the other side of my bed. 

Lucas's smile turned into a frown, "So i guess you remember everything huh?" 

"Y-Y-ou-r a m-mon-s-ster." i stuttered pointing my finger at him

"Not really, i don't have green skin or bad breath and i haven't seen a monster that was so sexy" He said trying to lighten up the mood, but the only thing spinning in my head was that Lucas and Liam were monsters. 

I am living with monsters, 

I'm not a monster, Angel but i'm not sure of Liam

"Stop it!" i screamed bringing my knees up to my chest and holding my head 

"Okay, I'll stop...just listen to me okay?" He asked getting up from the chair that he was sitting on

i didn't say anything, i just kept on looking down my eyes wide in horror that i actually went on a date with a monster. 

"I know this is all a sudden, but you have to understand that me and Liam aren't the bad guys. We're here to  protect you from people like Shelia who's trying to kill you." 

Shelia was that girl who was attacking me last night, i mean did Lucas kill her? Is she alive? 

"Alex, i didn't kill her. She ran away before i got to deal with her," he said

"Stop reading my thoughts!" i whimpered 

He sighed, and went towards the door "I think you need more time to sink all of this in"

"I don't need to sink all of this in, i am not going to be apart of this." i told him

This time he didn't say anything just left closing the door behind him. 

My feet shot to the ground going straight for my closet, pulling out my black messenger bag and my big purse. 

Quickly stuffing everything i could get my hands on, i filled both of my bags with clothes, shoes, make up jewelry anything that i could remember to get. 

When i was satisfied with all of the stuff that i had collected, i changed out of yesterdays clothes that were dirty with soil and leaves and changed into black jeans and a black laced shirt. Pulling on my yellow converse i went to the window and opened it hoping that there was a tree or something i can grab hold to. 

Apparently i was running out of luck, there wasn't any tree or ladder, but there was a rusted pipe line. 

Throwing my bags over my shoulder i grabbed onto the pipe line and did a silent prayer hoping i would make it down in one piece. 

Slowly i went down the rusty pipe but stopped when it started to creak. 

Only half way down, i heard Lucas and Liam fighting

"You were suppose to protect her!"

That was Lucas i could tell as my heart did a flip every time i heard his deep velvet voice

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