Archangel-Chapter 10

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My breath was uneven, my feet were cut and covered in dirt, and i was getting light headed from panting so much. I looked over my shoulder seeing if the Hell hound was still after me. Only seeing the darkness behind me i turned my head looking for a place to hid. 

I saw a tree which roots were above the ground, the roots was big enough to cover myself. I ran even faster to get to my hiding spot. As i reached the tree i crouched down behind the root leaning on the tree it self. 

How long will it take for them to find me this time, i thought to myself as i swallowed a drop of my saliva. My throat was dry burning for water,

i managed to catch my breath but just as i did, i heard a twig snap behind me. i slowly turned my head around and found the Hell hound standing 6 feet from me ready to jump, and it knew that i wouldn't be escaping from its wraith again.

You can all make it go away if only you give me what i want Uriel, that voice called from behind the Hell hound.

There is no way, never. I screamed at the women behind the Hell hound.

Fine As you wish, she said then snapped and on que the Hell hound jumped in the air leaping on me with his bared teeth in my face. Then with in a blink of an eye he bit through my arm that held up covering up my face.

i howled in pain, struggling under the Hell hound. I screamed out his name hoping he would hear me but as it turns out my life spam was shortening rather quickly,         

I sat up with a gasp, struggling for air like i was under water. 

What the~

"Ms. Ivanov, your awake." a motherly voice called out, a lady with a white coat was standing a few feet away.

i looked around the room i was in, it had posters on the wall about drugs and not to bully.

This HAS to be the nurse's office, but how did i get here.

Last time i checked i was in the room fighting with Aylin and Monica...

"How did i get here," i asked the lady pulling my knees to my chest wrapping my arms around my legs.

The nurse walked next to the bed i was laying in, "A young man brought, you in after the earthquake stopped. Saying that you hit your head, when you were trying to help the teacher,"

"I don't remember any of this," i muttered

"What did you say dear," the nurse asked again,

i looked at her, she had her blonde hair tied up in a bun with a pen holding it in place and her piercing blue eyes was looking straight into mine.

if i told her i dont remember getting hit on the head she'll probably think i have memory lost or something and i do not need father on my case, " Nothing i was just asking If i could go back to class,"

The nurse laughed, "Honey, class got canceled."

I arched one of my eyebrows, "What do you mean they got canceled?" i asked

She put her hands in her pocket, "The west side of the school, was damaged and that's were most classes are so they thought it would be better if students went home."

My eyes popped out, and in an instant i was out of bed trying to make it to the door but i got dizzy and started to fall. 

Just as i was about to land on the floor someone caught me by both of my arms,

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