Archangel-Chapter 12

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"He is such a grouch," Skylar mumbled,

"He's just mad that he has to train Alex," i told her,

she shook her head, "That's not it," she whispered. I looked at her, as she kept on going  "He's mad because she reminds him of her"

I looked ahead, understanding why he doesn't want to be near Alex.

He doesn't want to be reminded of his dead love.


Alex's POV***

Throwing my bag across the room I jumped on top of my unmade bed.

I was so tired, i dont even know why. I guess it was from stopping Sam and Jose from killing each other.

Speaking of Jose...

I wonder if he got home. 

Sam wouldnt let Jose enter her car, threatening that she will slit his throat if he does come with her.

But luckily for Jose, one of his football buddy had come with a few other friends so Jose told me that he'll catch a ride with them.

I stood up looking at the clock that hung onto of my dresser. It was 5:30, and Sam told me that she'll pick me up at 7 or 8. Since she's going to the Fuz, she'll probably stay there for about 2 hours.

I got my yellow bath robe and made my way to the bathroom to take a hot long bath. To wash away all the troubles i had today.

I reached out to turn the knob when their was a knock on my door.

Groaning i walked to the door opening it, looking at my dad standing in his suit and tie. He had his work face on, i was guessing he was about to go out for some business.

He probably wanted to tell me that i was grounded for punching Monica or came to ask me how i was from the hit i took.

"I'm going to Virginia for a convention that i have to attend. I want you on your best behavior for your step mother. If she calls me to complain about you, i will have to punish you. Do you understand me Alexandra?" he said,

I was stunned, he didn't ask about me or tell me that i was in trouble for punching Monica.

Shows how much he cares about me,

Instead of saying anything i just nodded my head.

My father leaned in and gave me a kiss on my forehead then left breaking my only hope that i had left of him caring about me.

I shut the door before the fat droplets of water came rolling down my cheeks.

to think he would actually come to me and ask me if i were okay or if i had a reason why i punched Monica.

I wiped away the wet streaks along my face then walked to my bathroom where i took a long nice hot bath, and forgot all about my father and his way to show that he cares about me.


After a while i got out of the bathroom looking like a raisin.

Next time i take a nap while im soaking away my problems. i thought as i waddled out the bathroom to my closet opening it looking at the mess

Tapping my finger against my chin, deciding on what to wear my phone let out a buzz.

I walked over to my dresser holding my phone in my hands as i read the message from Jose.

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