Archangel-Chapter 14

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“I don’t know what I would of done if you were in Sam’s place,” he whispered, then taking his hand and brushing my bangs out of my eye.

I shivered from his touch even though his touch was warm, but his touch didn’t last long. He looked at me for the last time and went over the trailing down the ladder.

Coming from behind the vines, I went over to the railing and saw Liam getting in his car and driving away.

“That guy is something,” I mumbled before going inside closing the balcony door.

Sitting on the floor next to Sam, I put my head on the bed next to Sam. In minutes my eyes closed and was surround with complete darkness.


My eyes fluttered opened, as the stupid alarm was screaming out it's annoying ring. This is the 4th time I woke up because of that thing!

i groaned picking myself up from the floor, not remembering how i got down there. Picking up the alarm clock on my side table. i slowly took out the batteries, throwing them underneath my bed.

Grabbing onto the edge of the bed I pulled myself up, looking at someone already in my bed. Then it all flew back at me like a rubber band.

Jumping up on my feet, I looked down at Sam who was still sleeping on my bed.

I let out a sigh of relief, as I sat down next to her.

Sam looked like an angel with her hair spread out around her head. Her face was slow going back to her regular color. The bandage that was on Sam’s eye has gone down meaning that the swelling on her eye has gone down too. The bandage that Liam had put there when I went to the bathroom was wrapped around her shoulder and down her arm.

I guess Liam didn’t want to take off Sam’s shirt to warp the dressing correctly

I smiled, from that thought

“You know if I didn’t know any better I would think that you were seriously thinking about raping me” Sam said not opening her eyes or should I say eye?

“How did you know I was sitting here?” i asked knowing that I didn’t even make a sound when I sat down next to her

She opened her good eye, “Call it my sixth sense,” she said with a smile

I shook my head, “It’s good to see you back to normal,”

“I wouldn’t call myself normal” she said trying to sit up

Grabbing onto her arm that wasn’t bandage down I pulled her up so she was leaning on the bedpost.

“What happened to you?” I asked whispering

“Honestly…I don’t have a clue. I feel as if I got hit by a car,” She said running her good hand through her hair

“Well you were sleeping in my hammock, when I got home from the Vaughn’s party. I didn’t know what to do, so when Liam called me from Jose’s phone I told him and he came as fast as he could.” I confessed

She sighed “Remind him if he tells anyone about me being vulnerable or weak that I will cut him into tiny pieces and feed him to my lion.”

“How did you get up to my hammock anyways?” I asked, playing with the hem of my tank top,

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