archangel-chapter 1

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Hey you guys, i just wanted to say that this is my first story and i hope you guys like it so far(: I also wanted to tell you that this chapter is dedicated to PuddingmonsterXD. Her work is awesome especially her covers and banners she is great(: Hope you enjoy this chapter


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Alexandria Ivanov

Water hit our umbrellas like little pebbles, but so were our tears hitting the ground. Everybody stood around the white caramel casket that held my sister in it. There were about twenty seven families that had arrived for my sister’s funeral. But none of them really cared about how she died or if she suffered, they only came to see the daughter of a top judge who died without a cause. Cameras were every with news reporter as standing in front of them giving a new scoop of gossip to talk about in our small town of Boyne Falls, Michigan.

As the men in gray lowered the white caramel like coffin, I was sitting on the ground with my knees pulled up to my chest and my head throbbing from crying. Lifting my head I saw my dad with his wife-my step mother- with her soon to be child, and with my step sister, Aylin. Sandra was my step mother and in all fairy tales she was a real witch, with a sidekick named Aylin, who was my age. Seeing Sandra’s fake tears running her cheeks made my blood pressure shoot up. I clutched my hand in a fist until my knuckles went milk white. I turned my head away from my so called perfect family. i was soaking wet but i could care less, when my only reason not to run away from home was in the ground. As people were walking out of the cemetery they passed me by and started to gave me pity looks. i pulled my knees closer to my chest, and sat their until everyone left including my father and his perfect family.


I rubbed my temples to ease the pain in my head. Which made no sense to me, because these headaches weren’t normal. Sometimes when I close my eyes because of the pain I see an image of somebody being thrown around a room. A room I didn’t recognize and a girl I didn’t recognize. When I opened my eyes the image was gone and I was looking at what was in front of me. November is just not my month. 

Not going to school after my sisters death was a relief, I didn’t like people asking me a lot of questions. I walked down stairs with a blanket wrapped around my shoulders. For some reason it was really cold, it was that or I’m running a fever. I walked into the living room, but as soon as I saw Sandra sitting there patting her big ole’ 6 month pregnant belly I quickly turned around. But I was too late,

“There you are! I’ve been waiting for you to come down stairs!” Sandra says

with an annoyed voice. I clenched onto the blanket with my right fist. I am not going to let her ruin my day I thought to my self. “Sorry I felt like I have a fever so I stayed longer than usual.” I mumbled to her.

She got off the couch and waddled pass me grabbing her purse. “Come on you have to take me to the mall.” She said putting the purse over her shoulder.

I looked at her stupid, “Wait, I can’t go…I have umm to go to Jose’s house and get some notes.” She raised her eyebrow looking at me with her green witch eyes.

“We can go to your little friend’s house on our way to the mall.” I walked past her to the stairs. “I can’t he’s helping me out with our classes. Ask Aylin to take you.”I told her climbing onto the first stair then the next. “Unlike you Aylin has a life and I don’t want to disturb her.” she said with a hiss.

I stopped and stood on the stairs turning my back against her. I gritted my teeth together as I said, “I had a life, but the day that my mother left without a trace and my father met somebody who thought would be good for this family but instead she became the last person he had ever wanted to marry but doesn’t know that yet cause she’s a two face~”

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