Archangel Chapter:23

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You know how people are so happy that it's the weekend? Well this week i'm not one of those people. In fact i HATE the weekend. Why you ask? Because i'm going to a party that will have the people i hate, the people i love, and the people who tell me that they're people after me trying to take my life. Not the typical 'i don't have a dress, so i'm not going' excuse or the 'i don't feel good' excuse. Oh and it gets better the person who tells me that their evil villains trying to take my life bought me a dress. A freaking beautiful fucking dress! Now i hope you get why i don't want to go to the party.

I groaned as i walked into the kitchen to find Aylin, Sandra, and Lucas together eating breakfast. Yea they're eating breakfast, that i didn't make and it doesn't smell burnt either.

"Good morning, Alex." Lucas said looking at me smiling

"Eh," i said waving him off eyeing his food, it was a freaking 3 stack pancake with nuts and berries and maple syrup all over to stupid pancake.

"You want some?" he asked offering,

"I don't think Shitlex can afford any more weight on those cheeks and thighs." Aylin said patting her own cheeks,

"Hey Aylin, go get run over by a freaking bulldozer that can actually move you."

Lucas chocked on some of his O.J that he was drinking but recovered swiftly.

Aylin turned red, "Mom!" She screamed

"Alex, go to your room right now! That's not the way to talk to Aylin like that," Sandra said pointing towards the exit of the kitchen

"Oh yea, you have to talk stupid for her to actually get it. Right thanks Sandra." I said rolling my eyes and going to the fridge and pulling out the carton of O.J and took a swing of it from the carton itself. Then  took it upstairs to my room not caring that it made me look like a cave man.

In my room i began cleaning it up since i couldn't even see the floor. With Austin Mahone's song playing through my speakers, everything was alright.

Say something, when you feeling the vibe.

Say something baby don't be so shy,

Say something cuz your all in my head like oh, oh, oh, oh, yea, yea.

Not knowing that i had an audience i started to sing with him and shook my butt with the beat of it.

Say something cuz you driving me crazy

Say something cuz you driving me wild

Say something the way you working it baby

Oh, oh oh oh Yea yea.

Bending down i picked up the box of pizza i ordered for dinner with Jose and Sam.

"You are so lucky you don't have a little brother or that poor kid would be scared for life."

I shrieked and dropped the box and turned around with my hands held in front of me in a fighting position Sam taught me.

"Whoa jumpy aren't we?"

I dropped my fists and rolled my eyes and picked up the box again. "Get lost, Lucas."

"I'm hurt, after i saved your life too." He said leaning his head on my door, his hair slightly fell over his grey eyes which looked really hot.

So you do think i'm hot.

"Get out of my head!" I screamed, "Get out of my room and get out of my fucking life dammit!"

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